Frankie Muniz Racing

beach with a bucket and collect seashells, rocks and sticks. If you don't live by the beach, you can collect rocks, grass, leaves and other materials in your area. Make a game out of collecting items from outdoors. Use these materials to make crafts such as nature collages or st ick crafts. Musical Bean Bags Buy two or three bean bag chairs that work for both adults and children. Turn on the music and run around with your toddler in the living room. Tell your toddler that he needs to run around while the music is playing and then hurry and sit on a bean 3d model bag chair when the music stops. Continue doing this and switching bean bag chairs. Matching Game Buy several colorful green, red, blue, pink and purple blocks. Make sure that there are several blocks that are the same color. Then ask your toddler to match up the right colors by p Frankie Muniz Racing lacing all the purple blocks in a pile and then the yellow and so on. This can help your child learn colors. Teach her the colors first and .

hands together. Teach your toddler patty-cake and other clapping rhythms. Sing along with your child as you clap together. This is a simple game, but toddlers really enjoy it.The "Draw" game This game is short and easy to learn. You need a basic dominoes set and two to four play ers. Shuffle the tiles and place them face-down. If there are two players, each selects seven tiles; if there are three or four players, eac h selects five tiles. Leave the rest face-down. Each player views his tiles but keeps them secret from the group. The player with the highes tattoo font t double number on a tile goes first by placing that tile in the middle. Play moves to the left, and each player places one end of a tile to match the number on one end of a tile already played. You can also place a tile perpendicular to a double tile if the short end of your til Frankie Muniz Racing e matches the double tile. If you cannot play a tile, you must draw one until you can. Pass your turn if no tiles are left. The match ends w .

ort, simple and easy game that is only slight different from "Draw." You need two to four players and a basic dominoes set. Shuffle the tile s and leave them face-down. Each player receives eight tiles minus the number of players; the rest stay in a draw pile. The player with the highest "double" tile places it in the middle, and play goes to the left. Each player places one end of a tile to match the number on one en d of a tile already played. You can also place a tile perpendicular to a double tile if the short end of your tile matches the double tile. star png If you cannot play, you must pass your turn. Play ends when someone uses all of his tiles or when everyone passes. The person with zero or t he least amount of tiles scores points based on how many points are left on the tiles in his opponents' hands. Repeat the game until someone Frankie Muniz Racing reaches 100 points. Freeze Out/War This game requires two or more players and one or more dominoes sets. Distribute the tiles evenly to eac .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing