Frankie Muniz Racing

the free handle go. The plug spinner shaft will spin, releasing the pins on the plug in the doorknob.1 Put on the safety gloves and goggles . Wear them throughout the process. 2 Cut sheet metal you want to bend to size. Remove burrs and sharp edges from the metal before you put i t in the vise for bending. 3 Grip both the sheet metal and the angle iron firmly in the vise. The sheet metal should be aligned with the ben d in the angle iron exactly where you want to bend it. Make sure the angle iron runs the entire width of the sheet metal you want to bend. 4 80 10 10 Diet Heat the sheet metal with the propane along the line you will bend it at. Heat it until it is red hot, but do not let it get to white hot. 5 Use the pliers to bend the sheet metal gently along the edge of the angle iron. Reheat the sheet metal when it gets too stiff to bend. Con Frankie Muniz Racing tinue until it is fully bent to the angle you want. 6 Let the sheet metal and angle iron cool naturally. Do not use water or any liquid to c .

ts will serve as guides for cutting the plywood used to construct the mold. 2 Lay the side view guide on top of a sheet of 3/8-inch plywood. Mark around the side view guide. Cut the plywood along the marks. This will provide one side of the go-kart mold. Repeat this procedure wit h another sheet of plywood to make the other side of the mold. 3 Lay the front view guide on top of a sheet of 3/8-inch plywood. Mark around the front view guide. Cut the plywood along the marks. This piece of plywood will serve as the front of the mold. Lay the rear view guide o maya 3d n top of a sheet of 3/8-inch plywood. Mark around the rear view guide. Cut the plywood along the marks. The rear of the mold will be made fr om this piece. 4 Assemble the cut plywood using glue and wood screws. This will create a mold that is open at the top and bottom. Measure an Frankie Muniz Racing d cut more plywood to fill some of these spaces, remembering to leave room for the driver. Glue the plywood pieces to the top of the mold. L .

o set. Sand the drywall compound thoroughly. Any imperfections in the drywall compound will be mirrored in the go-kart body. 6 Coat the insi de of the mold with car buffing wax. The drywall compound will soak up the wax, so several coats of wax will be needed. Make sure that the e ntire surface has been waxed before proceeding. Any exposed drywall compound will make it difficult to remove the fiberglass from the mold. 7 Apply a layer of fiberglass cloth and resin to the interior of the mold. The cloth should protrude from the edge of the mold by at least 1 stencil font inch. This will provide a surface to grip when freeing the fiberglass from the mold. Smooth the fiberglass out with a hard plastic roller t o remove any air bubbles. Apply another layer of fiberglass and resin to the inside of the mold. Use the plastic roller to smooth out any ai Frankie Muniz Racing r bubbles. Apply a third layer of fiberglass and resin, again smoothing out any air bubbles with the hard plastic roller. Allow the fibergla .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing