Frankie Muniz Racing

as the group gets smaller so the game becomes more challenging. Musical Chairs Musical chairs involves setting up a circle of chairs with t he backs of each chair facing the center of the circle. Chairs should be about 2 feet apart. Start out with one chair fewer than the number of kids who are playing. For example, if you have 10 children, start with nine chairs. Kids stand about a foot from the chairs, and as music plays, they walk around the circle of chairs. When the music stops, the object of the game is to find a chair. Whoever is left standing is html template "out." One additional chair is removed after each round and the game continues until one child remains. Parachute Fun Parachute play during circle time lends itself to numerous fun activities. Children are seated in a circle with the parachute open on the floor in front of them. Frankie Muniz Racing The children each grab the parachute by its edges and lift it high in the air, and then down again. You can toss a stuffed toy or plastic ba .

der the parachute. The Animal Game One child is selected to think of an animal, and the rest of the children take turns, one by one, asking yes-or-no questions to try to determine what the animal is. When it's his turn, a child can ask a question or make a guess. If the child gue sses correctly, he gets to choose the animal for the next round.Rudolph Relay Race Play a Rudolph relay race by dividing the children into t wo teams. Place a bowl of small red pompoms and a jar of petroleum jelly on a table on one side of the room. Mark a starting line about 15 t grunge texture o 20 feet away from the table. Set a timer for five minutes. When you say, "Go," the first player in each team line runs to the table and ru bs some petroleum jelly on the end of her nose. She has to get the pompom to stick to her nose and run back to tag the next person in her te Frankie Muniz Racing am. If the pompom falls off, she must go back to the table to add more petroleum jelly to her nose. When the timer goes off, the team with t .

team line an oversized stocking and have each player put one leg in the stocking. Tie the stocking around their legs using ribbon or yarn s o it doesn't fall down. Mark another line about 10 feet away from the starting line. When you say, "Go," the teams must race to the line and back, then the next pair in each line races. The first team to have all their players back across the starting line wins the race. Snowball s Purchase several medium-sized polystyrene foam balls (that barely stay balanced on a spoon) and spray them with white glitter. Mark a star blender models ting line and a finish line about 20 feet apart. Have all the kids line up on the starting line and give each one a pair of mittens. After t he kids put on the mittens, give them a plastic spoon and a "snowball." The kids must race to the finish line and the first child across the Frankie Muniz Racing line wins the race. Prize Wrap Wrap five toys or gifts for children (more or less depending on how many kids you have and how many gifts yo .

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