Frankie Muniz Racing

marker to write point values on the side of each container. Mark a starting line about five feet from the containers. Be sure to glue highe r value containers toward the back and lower value containers closer to the front of the box. Give your toddler five ping-pong balls or othe r small balls to try to toss in the containers. Help her keep track of her score and tell her to try to beat her score each time she plays. Toddler Twist Create a game of toddler twister by cutting different shapes from construction paper and spreading them out on the floor. Say blender models a color and a shape, and have your toddler stand on the correct one. Once he has the hang of this, try two different colors and shapes by te lling him to put his right hand on the "red triangle" and his left hand on the "blue circle." This game also helps the toddler learn his sha Frankie Muniz Racing pes and colors. Memory Tray Work your toddler's memory by filling a tray with random items, such as a set of keys, a toothbrush, a small toy .

Have him study the tray again and take it out of the room. See if she can remember any more items that she did not remember from the first time.1 Slide the armature into the motor can so that the longer end of the shaft extends beyond the closed side of the motor can. The armatu re should fit with a millimeter or so between it and the magnets mounted inside the motor can. Spin the armature to check that it is properl y installed. 2 Fit the end-bell over the open end of the motor can. Align the shortest side of the armature with the center point of the end Abs Diet -bell, then fit the armature into the small hole to suspend it in the center of the motor can. Close the end-bell by pressing it to the moto r can, then securing it with two mounting screws. 3 Slide a motor brush into either brush-hood located on the end-bell. Insert the brush fla Frankie Muniz Racing t-end first, pushing in until it makes contact with the armature inside the motor. Pull back the mounting spring, then lay the end of the sp .

ing hole on the end-bell. Your motor is now completely reassembled, and ready for installation into your vehicle.1 Take apart the RC servo c ase with a screw driver. An RC servo drive is an electric amplifier that is used to power an electronic motor. Components include gears, wir es, and a motor. Remove the gears and wires, but keep the circuit board intact. 2 Solder the amp, resistors, wires, and connectors in to the hollowed out servo case. Position the battery and motor on one side of the case so both can be connected to the power amp. Position the pow blender models er amp in the middle of the case so it can be connected to the battery and motor as well as the circuit board. 3 Connect the battery and mot or to each other, as well as to the servo connector. Connect the negative end of the battery and motor to the negative end of the servo conn Frankie Muniz Racing ector using 12 or 13 gauge wire. Connect the positive ends of the battery and motor to each other. 4 Plug the servo into the connector compo .

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