Frankie Muniz Racing

of naturally occurring glass. This glass lacks any crystalline structure at all and fractures easily, leaving razor-sharp edges. Obsidian i s among the most favored of rocks among flint knappers. The rock is extremely fragile and must be handled very carefully to prevent the ston e from breaking inadvertently when being struck to remove flakes. Flint and Chert Flint, and the closely related rock, chert, are forms of m icrocrystalline quartz. The two rocks are so similar they are difficult to differentiate. Typically found in limestone deposits, flint and c blender models hert form in nodules. These nodules provide quality core material for a variety of knapping projects, including making stone knives. The fin e texture of these rocks makes them a good choice for knapping. Flint and chert tend to fracture more flatly and with less of the typical co Frankie Muniz Racing nchoidal waviness of obsidian fractures. Other Metamorphic Silicate Rocks These rocks include agate, chalcedony, jasper, opal and quartz. So .

e crystals of quartz, however, can be used to make stone knives. Andesite Andesite is another form of igneous rock found around volcanic sit es, similar to obsidian. The stone is more coarse in texture than obsidian, flint or chert. While this can make andesite more challenging to work, it still has a fine enough crystalline structure to knap easily."Diary of a Wimpy Kid" Trivia Game Kids can play as individuals or ca n be divided into teams. Someone should serve as a moderator to ask questions about the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books. Ask questions one at a star wars font time, and award points for correct answers. Small prizes can be handed out to the winning individual or team. Cheese Touch Game This is bas ed on the game played by Greg and his friends in the books. It works best with groups of 10 to 20 people. Use a sticky note or small piece o Frankie Muniz Racing f paper for each player. Draw a slice of Swiss cheese on one piece of paper, creating the "Cheese Touch," and fold them all in half. Have pl .

when this person has passed the Cheese Touch to everyone or when another player catches him in the act of winking. Create a Journal Like Gre g Heffley Give children a sketchbook and a choice of writing utensils. They can write and draw pictures to document their lives, just as Gre g does. Magazine cutouts, photographs and clip art can also be used to illustrate this book. In a classroom setting, writing prompts can be provided to guide student writing. Read "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" Online The first book in the series is available for reading online. Children social media icons vector can follow the original adventures of Greg and his friends on the Funbrain website. This is a way for children to experience reading and te chnology at the same time.Craft Store Locations Many craft stores have instructors who teach the Wilton cake-decorating method. In Maine, Mi Frankie Muniz Racing chaels, Craft-Mania and PJ's Party Store all offer Wilton decorating classes. Each location schedules its own classes, but each has a certif .

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