Frankie Muniz Racing

ugh for challenging games and crafts. This is often the age that kids start playing sports like soccer and baseball or take dance classes. Y ou can introduce board games that challenge their minds, making them think strategically before making a move. Games like checkers, Battlesh ip, Scrabble and Monopoly are challenging and fun for this age group. You could get a child of this age her own jewelry kit or soap making s et so she can make homemade gifts. Tie-dyeing is an age-appropriate activity for older kids, allowing them to customize everything from T-sh gmail green video camera icon irts to pillowcases. Kids can make their own Native American rain sticks by filling a paper towel tube with beans or pebbles, gluing the end s shut and painting it with symbols. Kids this age could even start sewing or keeping a scrapbook.1 Apply the hole punch to the middle of th Frankie Muniz Racing e head of your cigar. 2 Gently poke the hole punch tip into the head by twisting it in towards the head until it breaks through. Many cigar .

ge. Since smaller cigars have less surface area at the head than large cigars, be careful when expanding the hole not to tear the whole head off, as you would if cutting the cigar.Candy Corn Guess Fill a clear glass jar with candy corn and count how many candies are in the jar. H ave each child write down his guess as to how many pieces of candy are in the jar. The child who guesses closest to the correct number of ca ndies wins the jar of candy to take home. Pin the Hat on the Scarecrow Draw a picture of a scarecrow on a large poster board and draw a dott create desktop shortcut icon free download ed line where his hat should go. Print or draw several scarecrow hats and write each child's name on a hat. Place double-sided tape on the b ack of each hat. Blindfold each kid and spin her five times. Tell her to try to pin the scarecrow hat in the correct place. The child who pi Frankie Muniz Racing ns the hat closest to the correct place on the scarecrow wins a prize. Gourd Bowling Place 10 soda pop bottles in a triangle and pour a smal .

e each child three gourds to roll at the pins. Reset the pins after each throw. Keep track of how many pins each child knocks down. The chil d who knocks down the most pins wins the game. The gourds make the game hard because you never know which way they might roll. Hula-Hoop Pum pkin Toss Scatter several pumpkins on the ground and mark a starting line about 15 feet away. Adjust the line depending on the age of the ch ildren playing. The children try to toss the hula-hoops onto a pumpkin. If a child rings a pumpkin, he wins a prize.1 Build a prototype of y how many types of computer icons our project on a breadboard. Prototypes are models of circuits created on temporary boards so that they can be modified easily. 2 Check the prototype to ensure that it works as you planned and then turn the prototype into a circuit design on your computer using a PCB design tool. Frankie Muniz Racing Do this by creating a new design with the software, entering the dimensions to match the size of your PCB when prompted. 3 Fill the design .

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