Frankie Muniz Racing

reading the ending, take turns in trying to figure out how the story ends. Use crayons or markers to draw to help them sketch their hypothes is on paper. After they've finished pick one child to read the ending. Reward the child with the closest guess with a treat. Find the Secret Agent Take a child aside before beginning this game and let him hide somewhere in the house. Make footprints out of construction paper and tape them along the floor, leading other kids to mysterious "paths" around the house. Give kids certain clues to help them find their the se rental agreement cret agent. Involve the use of household gadgets like a calculator or camera to help them find the missing friend. Give more obvious clues w hen if children can't find the hidden agent or take breaks and allow the hidden agent to come out and re-hide if necessary. Go on a Mystery Frankie Muniz Racing Hunt Candy, toys and other little treats can make a mystery hunt fun for children of all ages. Hide treats around the house and combine it w .

yze the clues and come up with an answer.Make Money with Old Metal Nearly all types of metal, aluminum and steel items can be recycled multi ple times before weakening the strength of the material. Common aluminum products that can be recycled for cash include appliances, soda can s, auto parts, doors and windows. Steel recyclable that could add money to your wallet include tin cans, appliances, auto parts, scrap from old buildings and bridge parts. Upcycling Upcycling is the act or reusing or re-purposing discarded objects to make something new. Recycling free book or upcycling tin and aluminum cans save the items from the trash while creating art. Cans that would otherwise be tossed into the garbage a fter emptied are useful art supplies. After painting the can, draw or tape a design to the side and use a hammer and nail to punch holes thr Frankie Muniz Racing ough the pattern. Once the design is complete, touch up the paint, add a clear coat and place a candle inside for a decoration. The cans can .

nd earrings. If you cut the cans into rectangular shapes and crimp them in a vice grip, they become metal sheeting for model railroad or min iature displays. The end of soda or canned-food containers can be cut or sawed off and used as a backing for wall-hanging crafts and ornamen ts. Junk Sculptures Outdoor and sculpture artists covet old metal, even the rusty pieces, for creating one-of-a-kind projects. Scrap metal a nd old machine parts can be welded or screwed together to make decorations for inside the house or in your garden. Metal-junk artists freque web templates ntly use old stoves, gears, wheels, bolts, screws and broken candy machines to make decorations and wall hangings. Common household tools su ch as a hammer and drill are all that is needed to turn your broken and rusted scrap metal into art.Ice Cube Scavenger Hunt Make colored ice Frankie Muniz Racing cubes by mixing food coloring with water and pouring it into ice cube trays to freeze overnight. Have the kids stay in the house while you .

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