Frankie Muniz Racing

a bingo card by drawing five columns and five rows of boxes on a piece of paper. The number of papers will depend on the number of particip ants. Set these bingo cards aside. Cut small pieces of paper and write down the letters B, I, N, G and O. Roll the papers so that no one can see them and put them in a bowl. Write the seven sacraments on small pieces of paper. Roll them and put them inside another bowl. Give each participant a bingo card and pen. Instruct them to write down a sacrament in each box. Give the children a copy of the seven sacraments to frozen background choose from, if needed. Start the game by picking a rolled paper from the bowl where the letters are contained. Then, pick a rolled paper fr om the bowl where the sacraments are contained. Say the letter out loud and then the sacrament. Have the participants mark the corresponding Frankie Muniz Racing boxes. Continue calling out letters and sacraments until you have a winner. The first to complete a horizontal line wins. Match the Sacrame .

h participant pick a strip of paper. Then instruct them to find their matches (the sacrament and the description) on your go signal. Once th ey have found their pair, let them sit side by side. Once everyone is seated, tell them that each pair should go in front and read the strip s they have. Do this until everyone is finished. If there are more than 14 people joining, you could repeat the sacrament and have several d escriptions for it. Sacrament Bookmarks Find used folders that you can cut into bookmarks. Any old paper folder will do as long as it has no unity 3d download tears or creases. Cut a 6-inch-x-2-inch rectangle out of the old folder. Find old magazines with a variety of photos in them. Pick a sacram ent to interpret using the different pictures found in the old magazines. Use creativity in selecting pictures that relate to your chosen sa Frankie Muniz Racing crament. Glue the pictures like a collage on the front and back of the bookmark. You can also add text like "Sacrament of Baptism" and glue .

remind you of the seven sacraments. Seven Sacraments True or False Game Find big, empty containers such as boxes or plastic pails. Label one container "True" and the other "False." Find two small items that would be hard to put between your knees while walking, such as a clothesp in. Other items such as hair clips or ping pong balls also will do. Divide your students into two groups and have them form two lines. Mark a starting line on which players will position themselves. Place the two containers at least six feet from the starting line. Come up with q Blood Sugar Solution uestions related to the seven sacraments that can be answered true or false. Give the small item to the two players in front of the line. Re ad your question aloud. The group should choose the correct answer and have the first person in line put the small item between his knees an Frankie Muniz Racing d start walking toward the containers. Players should try their best to not let the item fall between their knees as this would immediately .

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