Frankie Muniz Racing

ifier or recording device. It may be an RCA or other kind of connector. 3 Mark locations for the connector mounting holes on the case's fron t and back. Mark locations for one volume control per input on the case's top. Drill holes to mount the connectors in the front and back and variable resistors in the top. Mount the connectors and variable resistors in the holes. 4 Cut three sets of 3-inch wires. Each set will ha ve a number of wires equal to the number of inputs minus one. So if you want five inputs, cut three sets of four or 12 wires total. Strip ab blood type diet out 1/4 inch of insulation from each end. Use one set of these wires to wire the center solder lug of each variable resistor together in a c hain. Solder these connections together. Use the second set to connect one other solder lug on each variable resistor together. It must be t Frankie Muniz Racing he same lug, either the right or left one. Solder these connections. For the third set, wire the ground lugs of all the input connectors tog .

e ground lug of one input connector. 6 Cut one set of 5-inch wires, one for every input on the board, and remove insulation from the ends as before. Solder one end of a wire to the "hot" solder lug of each input connector. 7 Connect the free end of the wires soldered to the input connectors to the free solder lug on each variable resistor. Solder these connections. 8 Set the LM741 op amp into the perfboard so its pin s come out the copper side. Insert one lead of one 50K-ohm 1/4-watt fixed resistor near the 741's pin 2. Insert the other lead near pin 6. S terminator models older these connections and remove the excess lead material with the diagonal cutters. Place one lead of the second 50K-ohm fixed resistor n ear pin 2 and the other pin at any convenient hole. Solder the connection at pin 2 and trim the excess. 9 Place the free end of the 8-inch w Frankie Muniz Racing ire from the center lug near the unconnected resistor lead on the perfboard. Solder and trim this connection. Insert the free end of the two .

power supply terminal. Connect the free end of the other 12-inch wire to the negative DC supply terminal. Insert one 5-inch wire near pin 4 of the 741 and solder. Connect the other end to the ground lug of the output connector and solder. Use the other wire to connect pin 6 and the output connector's "hot" lug. Solder and trim the connections. 11 Place the knobs on the variable resistor control shafts and tighten th e set screws with a small screwdriver.Barrel of Monkeys This classic game features several plastic, flat monkeys with hooked hands and tails my fonts . The object of the game is to link as many monkeys to form a chain leading out of their barrel. You cannot use your hands to hang the monke ys from each other, but must maneuver the first monkey in the chain to hook all the subsequent monkeys out of the barrel. The person to form Frankie Muniz Racing the longest chain wins. Many toy companies make their own version of this game. Jungle-Themed Old Maid Create a deck of cards using images .

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