Frankie Muniz Racing

ng hole with the hole on the heat sink and press them together. Slip the machine screw through the hole, put the washer and nut on the other side and tighten. 9 Clear your workspace of all foreign metal parts and electronic items. Make sure that the transformer rests on a non-con ducting surface. Place the ends of the transformer's secondary wires about a half-inch apart. Turn on the power supply. You should see a blu e spark jump between the transformer's secondary wires.Scavenger Hunt Make a scavenger hunt for kids that will keep them busy checking off i my fonts tems they see out the windows. Offer a small prize to the kid that marks all the items off first. Consider what kind of areas you'll be driv ing through and tailor the scavenger hunt accordingly. If you're driving through the country, put items such as farm animals, tractors and b Frankie Muniz Racing arns on the hunt. For city driving, have items such as tall buildings, taxi cabs or stop lights. You can include people such as police offic .

de the window that begin with that letter. Once they have spotted three items and named them, it's time for the next person's turn. The next person can either choose what letter they want to use or continue in alphabetical order. License Plate Fun Try to make words or phrases fro m license plates you see. Some of these can be pretty silly and this game can be a lot of fun. The phrase doesn't have to make sense, just s ee what you can come up with based on the letters on the license plate. If one says "CEF," for example, you can say something silly like "Ca settings icon ts eat flies." The funnier, the better. Magnet Words Make magnet letters or parts of words using magnet sheets and your computer printer or label maker. Create lots of suffixes and prefixes that are simple but can be used to make many different words. Or, you could make interesti Frankie Muniz Racing ng words that can be put together to make silly sentences. Give kids a metal lunchbox they can use to stick the words on to arrange them. Se .

f time and pass an equal amount out to each girl (for example, $100). Auction off each item and don't allow it to be unwrapped until someone wins it. Throw in some mystery gag gifts to keep them laughing. At the end of the auction girls can trade their items or buy items from eac h other with any extra money they may have. Telephone This classic game is fit for girls of all ages. Create some pre-made cards with phrase s on them and give one to each girl. Each girl takes a turn whispering the phrase on her card into the ear of the person to her right. That certificate template person whispers the phrase to the person on her right and the pattern continues until the phrase makes its way around to the last girl. The last girl to hear the phrase says it out loud. The girls will hear how the phrase has changed from the original, and everyone will want to c Frankie Muniz Racing hime in with what they thought was said. Start the game again with the next girl and a new phrase card. Freeze Dance Freeze dance is another .

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