Frankie Muniz Racing

ht line. Continue the straight line down each side of the block, effectively dividing the block into two separate blocks. 2 Turn the ruler p erpendicular to the center line, center the ruler and draw a small line that crosses the other line to make a "plus" sign. Mark a point near one corner of the line intersection, outfit a drill with a 3/4-inch bit and drill a hole completely through the block at this point. This c reates the insertion point for the offset mallet's handle. 3 Center the block into a lathe (the drilled hole should still be facing up) and free website design set the lathe's headstock and tailstock to 5/16 of an inch. Turn the machine on and allow it to shape the mallet head. You'll know you've pr operly lined up the block if it wobbles slightly as it moves in the lathe. Set a spindle gouge on both ends of the block as it spins to tape Frankie Muniz Racing r and flatten the face on the heads. 4 Apply wood glue to one end of a 3/4-inch dowel rod that is at least 12 inches in length and insert it .

Hold the blade at one end and place the other end against the grinder, angling the blade to a 45-degree angle. 6 Grind the blade down to a p oint, flip the blade over and grind the opposite side. Now the blade will have a pointed, edged cutting blade ground into one end. Grind the end of the hacksaw blade opposite the cutting end to a point that's about 5/16 inch thick. 7 Twist one end of a 6-inch length of 3/4-inch d owel rod onto the pointed end of the hacksaw blade, thus making a comfortable handle that can be easily grasped when using the blade of the leather texture parting tool.1 Set your background stand behind the location in which you will be shooting your subject. The background stand holds a series of backdrops that will be lit by the tungsten lights and provide a background for your subject. Pull your choice of backdrop down from the Frankie Muniz Racing background stand. 2 Put your subject or a place holder for your subject in the location where it will be photographed. This will give you an .

hould face the subject and cast a wide, even light over the background. 4 Set the key tungsten light on its stand just slightly higher than the subject. Place it in front of the subject just off to the right or left side of the camera and facing the subject. This will give a dire ct light to the subject. 5 Connect the reflective umbrellas to the backs of all the tungsten lights. The mounting procedure will depend on y our brand of umbrellas, lights and stands. Consult with the owner's manuals on making this connection. The reflective umbrellas will diffuse free 3d model the tungsten lights and give a more natural lighting to the subject and background. 6 Have an assistant hold a reflective light screen on t he opposite side of the camera and facing the key light. This will diffuse the tungsten key light more and provide a softer light on the sub Frankie Muniz Racing ject.1 Turn the container upright and allow all the cyanoacrylate glue in the narrowed applicator stem to drain back into the bottle. Leave .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing