Frankie Muniz Racing

. As soon as the last object is put away, stop the timer and record how long it took to clean the room. Do this for each room that needs to be picked up. After the house is tidy, compare times to see which room took the longest and which one took the shortest amount of time to ti dy.If you just have one room to tidy up, set the timer and see how long it takes to put everything away. As a reward, let your child stay up as many minutes as she cleaned, or let her play outside for that amount of time. Musical Clean Up Use a portable radio or compact disc play free css templates for web application er for this game. When you turn on the music, the kids need to move quickly. The goal is to get the entire room picked up before the song is over. Stop the music occasionally. The kids have to freeze until you start the music again.Prayer Balloons Come up with a list of names to Frankie Muniz Racing write on a card. These names could be people you know of that need prayer, or groups of needy people throughout the world. Place the names s .

ell or call time. The child who catches the balloon pops it and the name on the paper is read out loud. The class then says a simple one or two sentence prayer for the name on the list. Telephone Have the children sit in a circle. Whisper a phrase about prayer to the first child. The phrase could be something like, "God loves you and can't wait to hear your prayer." The first child whispers this to the child next to him, and this process repeats for all of the children in the circle. The last child says the phrase out loud. By this time the phrase will p how to remove icons download background in windows xp robably have changed. Use this moment to teach the children that God hears their prayers even if they do not always get the words right. Mus ical Chair Prayers Write out cards that have the names of people and tribes that might not get to hear about Jesus. Tape three of these to e Frankie Muniz Racing ach chair in various places. Start the music and have the kids walk around the chairs. When the music stops have them kneel in front of a ch .

. Have one row go to one side of the room and the other go to the other side of the room. Give the kids on one side of a row (you can call t his row A) each a piece of popcorn. Have them throw the popcorn to the row on the other side of the room (row B.) The pieces of popcorn will not all make it to the other side of the room. Have row B step closer and try it again. Point out how more pieces of popcorn made it over t his time. Repeat this until row A can hand row B the popcorn. Then explain how this is like our relationship with God. The further we are fr best free handwriting fonts for logos om him the harder it is to have a close relationship with him. Talk about how praying helps you to grow closer to God.The Chant The "Five Li ttle Monkeys" chant is quite easy to learn. It goes like this:"Five little monkeys jumping on the bedOne fell off and bumped his headSo Momm Frankie Muniz Racing a called the doctor and the doctor saidNo more monkeys jumping on the bed."In the following verses, the number of monkeys decreases by one i .

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