Frankie Muniz Racing

g too small. For example: purchase a 4-foot by 8-foot trailer if you require a little more than 6 foot in length. Make sure the trailer is r ated to handle the weight of the frame you're going to build on top of it, plus any weight added to it, such as batteries or water jugs. 3 M easure the floor of the trailer and mark the dimensions on a sheet of plywood using a tape measure and pencil. Cut the plywood with a power saw along the dimensions you created. Discard the excess wood. Place the rectangular sheet of plywood onto the trailer. Insert a pencil thro employment application ugh the bolt hole in the bottom of the frame to mark the hole's location on the plywood. Repeat this process with the rest of the holes, the n remove the plywood. Drill a hole through each mark on the plywood using a drill bit the diameter of the bolt holes on the trailer frame. F Frankie Muniz Racing or example, use a 1/2-inch drill bit if the frame has 1/2-inch holes. Place the plywood onto the trailer. Insert a bolt with a washer throug .

per shell pattern from one end of the OSB board to the other, then cut it out with a jigsaw. This will be one of the side walls of the motor cycle camper. Lay this OSB board onto the second sheet of OSB board and trace along its edge with a pencil. Cut the second sheet of OSB boar d along the traced line. This is the second camper wall; it should be identical to the first wall. 5 Measure a door on one of the sheets of OSB board and mark the dimensions with a pencil. Cut the door free with a power saw. Set that piece of wood aside; you'll attach it to the c download ebooks amper with hinges after the wall is mounted. 6 Mount the walls to the side of the trailer using bolts, washers and nuts. Seal any gaps betwe en the walls and trailer frame with silicone. 7 Measure the distance between the two side walls; mark that distance on a sheet of OSB board. Frankie Muniz Racing Trim the OSB board down to that width using a power saw. Cut the OSB board into sections and mount those sections onto the edges of the sid .

edges. Wipe the wood with a damp cloth to remove wood dust. Paint or spray the camper with wood sealant. Allow to dry. 9 Screw hinges onto t he section of OSB board you removed to form the door. Mount the door onto the door frame on the sidewall. Run weatherstripping with adhesive along the edges of the door so that it forms a seal when closed. Add a locking knob and latch following the instructions that came with the device. 10 Glue a 2-inch foam pad to the floor inside the camper, or fit an exercise mat into place. Screw an LED battery-powered light to free business website the wall inside the camper. Add an air vent to the wall if necessary for your climate; simply purchase an air vent, trim a hole in the side of the camper with a jigsaw, and mount the vent in the hole. Seal the edges with silicone.Setup 1 Choose a token, and place it on the space Frankie Muniz Racing marked "GO!" 2 Give each player 10 ticket booths (or 12 for a two-player game). 3 Shuffle the Chance cards and place them face down on the b .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing