Frankie Muniz Racing

the grill from the container and rinse it under cold water while rubbing it with a toothbrush to remove the chrome. 7 Apply 1 tsp. of dish s oap to a sponge and wash the entire plastic grille to remove the chemical residue. Rinse it in clean water and allow it to air dry.1 Brainst orm about your ideal future several years from now. Write ideas about your career in several years from now, where you will be living, and e ven plans relating to your friends and family. This will help you gather your thoughts before you begin writing your poem. 2 Organize the th dirt texture oughts you brainstormed into categories, separating them from importance or by the type of idea you have (such as career wise, monetary wise , etc.) as this will help smooth the writing process. 3 Determine the order of how you will present each category, and how you would like th Frankie Muniz Racing e poem structured overall. Write the poem chronologically or by random placement of the different categories of your future. 4 Decide how yo .

etry resources in library books and online. Some popular poem types include ballads, haikus, sonnets, and odes. Diamante poems take the shap e of a diamond on paper. Other poem types include quatrains, which consist of four lines---or limerick poems, with five lines. 6 Choose a po em style. Begin writing the poem using your brainstormed ideas, as well as your list of organized categories. If a preset style doesn't appe al to you, you can write a free verse poem, which has no limitations.Music Games Kids love music and dancing, so creating a game with music 3d skull will provide exercise and entertainment and learning. Play a game of hokey pokey with the kids. While music plays, instruct children to touc h their head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Then have children point to their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Have children continue gradually mo Frankie Muniz Racing ving through each step faster. Color Scavenger Hunt A scavenger hunt allows children to think critically and relate real life objects to col .

children search for something in the room matching the color of the balloon. Bugs Use print outs of the alphabet or numbers 1 through 10 to use as bugs. Stick tape on each letter or number and stick on various parts of your body or the body of a doll. Have children remove each le tter or number bug off your body. As the children remove each bug, name the letter or number and body part from where it was removed. The ga me allows childrn to learn their alphabet and/or numbers. The game also introduces early literacy skills.Mine Field Mine field is a versatil Gracie Diet e game. It can be played indoors or outdoors, quietly or loudly. Set up a maze using objects such as bowling pins or cones. Do not choose ob jects which children could easily step on and lose their balance. Ask a child to volunteer to be blindfolded and have her peers guide her th Frankie Muniz Racing rough the maze by words alone. If you have a large group of six or more children, this activity works best in partnerships.If you are in an .

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