Frankie Muniz Racing

the stepper motor until it stalls. Stop the motor at the moment it stalls to prevent damaging it. If all of the string wraps around the shaf t, then repeat this process with a longer piece of string. 5 Measure the outer diameter of the string wrapped around the stepper motor shaft . Use the metric ruler to obtain this measurement in centimeters. Record the measured value. 6 Using a calculator, calculate the stepper mot or torque with the following equation:T = (d/2)*(m/1,000)*0.09807. The diameter of the shaft with the string wrapped around it is represente pages tri fold brochure templates free d by variable "d" and halved to obtain the radius, and "m" is the mass used. A standard gravitational constant of 9.807 meters per squared s econd is held constant when factoring gravity. Since "d" is in centimeters, the acceleration of gravity is divided by 100, which has the sam Frankie Muniz Racing e effect on the result. Dividing "m" by 1,000 is necessary because torque is measured in newtons. A newton is equivalent to 1 kilogram-meter .

ipment are needed to desolder: a soldering iron and one of two solder removing devices. One of them is called a vacuum pump and the other is a solder wick. Depending on your personal preference and experience, one of the solder removers will be easier to use. If you have no exper ience with either, grab them both and use them in different situations that might call for one versus the other. Preparing the Surface If th ere is a ton of grease or anything else on the surface where you're removing solder, remove it. Certain surfaces allow for a more industrial business plan templates for psychologists stain remover, like turpentine, while others are sensitive and might require a specific product to remove grease, varnish or glue. Check an y manuals or booklets that came with your product, or contact a professional to see what should be done on a questionable surface. Sucker or Frankie Muniz Racing Wick If you're using the solder sucker, push down the plunger over the top of molten solder until it locks into place and press the button .

ands of wick, cut more off the spool that the wick came on and install a new piece. Quick Tips Aaron Cake, a solder removal specialist and c reator of the eponymous website, suggests using heat sinks or pliers for sensitive leads, keeping your iron tip clean with a wet sponge in b etween uses, checking pads with a continuity tester and using the proper iron for the job.Tag One student is chosen to be "It." This player then runs after the other players, trying to touch them. If the "It" player tags someone, that person then becomes "It" and chases after oth science brochure templates free download er children. This game can be adapted for younger children who cannot continuously run by having safe "bases" such as a tree or flag pole, w here the child cannot be tagged if he is touching the "base." As soon as her hand leaves "base," though, the child can be tagged and become Frankie Muniz Racing the next person who is "It." Hide and Seek Hide and seek is a variation of tag, where the "It" player closes her eyes while the other player .

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