Frankie Muniz Racing

olored or white rope lights in a tree or bush during the winter time to bring a little sunshine into your garden area when it always seems t o be dark. Rope lights are energy efficient so you don't need to worry about the cost of electricity. 5 Make a rope light Santa at Christmas time. Rope lights are very flexible and can be twisted into many shapes. Make words using the rope lights; simply twist the rope into the s hape of the word you want to make. You can hang the lights on a wire armature, or fasten them to a flat surface using wire staples.1 Choose glass texture the mount for your bar. If you just plan for one or two rows, a plastic wire cover will work well. If you want a thicker bar, you will need a wider piece of plastic or thin wood. 2 Measure and mark where you want to place your LEDs. For thicker, brighter bars like this one, you w Frankie Muniz Racing ill have to put the lights fairly close together in multiple rows. Try four rows with lights spaced every inch or two. If your bar is 3 feet .

is complete. 4 Snip the 25mm connector off the end of your power supply and carefully pull the two wires apart. Use the wire strippers to cu t about half an inch of insulation from the end of each wire. 5 Choose which of your speaker wire will be positive and negative. As before, use your strippers to remove about half an inch of insulation from the end of each wire. Wrap the bare positive wires together (one from you r power supply and one from you speaker wire). Solder them together, keeping the solder above the wires and the iron below. The transfer of blender 3d download heat through the wire will melt the solder and create a strong hold. When complete remove the iron and do the same with the two negative wir es. Wrap them both separately with electrical tape. 6 Place the LEDs in position so that your wire lengths will be correct and solder a resi Frankie Muniz Racing ster to the positive (long) end of the first LED. See resources for measuring resistance. Then solder the other end of the resister to the p .

to a lead from another. This eliminates the need for connecting wire. When you're finished, solder the last negative LED lead to the negati ve speaker wire. 8 Glue the LEDs into position using the glue gun. Make sure no bare wires are touching your mount when gluing. This is espe cially important when using a metal mount. 9 Tidy up and tape any loose wire.1 Choose the classic item you want to build. This can be an his toric monument, an older home built in a classic style, a classic car or any other antique item of which you would enjoy constructing a mode lemonade diet l. 2 Gather as much information as you can about the dimensions of your source of inspiration. You need to know heights, widths, depths, sig nificant angles and arcs, as well as details and embellishments to add later. 3 Set a scale for your model. For example, you could set your Frankie Muniz Racing scale so that every foot of measure for the real-life item corresponds to an inch on your model. Remember that angles don't scale, but stay .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing