Frankie Muniz Racing

tion and listening skills. Play "I'm Going on a Journey" with two or more players. The first player starts the game by saying "I'm going on a journey and I'm bringing with me a ..." followed by the name of an object starting with "A." The second player continues by saying "I'm go ing on a journey and I'm bringing with me a..." naming the object the first person named and another object beginning with the letter "B." C ontinue with each player, trying to remember each object and adding another object in alphabetical order. If a player forgets an object, he how to make icons download smaller on windows xp is out. The player who remembers all of the objects wins. Cross the Sea "Cross the Sea" is an exciting indoor game for younger children, but it is enjoyable to kids of all ages. It helps build verbal and listening skills while children are inside. It is best played with a larger Frankie Muniz Racing group of children. One player is blindfolded and stands at the edge of the room. He is the Mayflower and cannot speak or see. Another player .

k back, and direct him to the New World. Freeze Dance This energy spending game is entertaining for kids of all ages. All you need is a room that can be cleared for dancing and a music player. One person is the music moderator, while the other kids are the dancers. Players are al lowed to dance in any way they want as the music is playing but as soon as the music stops they must freeze. Any player who does not stop da ncing when the music stops, or who does not hold their frozen pose, is out. The last dancer on the floor, wins. Cotton Ball Pass Cotton Ball hawkeye business forms clive iowa Pass is an inexpensive, highly entertaining indoor game. This game is best played with a large group of kids. Split the children up into tw o even teams. Hand each team player a straw and line the teams up in two separate lines. Ask the children to place the straw in their mouths Frankie Muniz Racing and keep their hands behind their back. The first player on each team must pick up the cotton ball by sucking it onto the end of the straw .

m, set out in a circle as many stools or chairs as there are children who will be playing--minus one. Set up a radio or CD player in the roo m. Explain that the object of the game is to go around the chairs while the music plays, and to quickly find a chair to sit in once the musi c stops. The child who is left standing after the music stops is "out." Have an adult sit by the radio to turn it on and off while the child ren play the game, and be sure to remove a chair from the circle after each round. Continue the game until only one child is left, and award best free portfolio website templates the winner a piece of candy or a small toy. Hot Potato Begin by having the children sit on the floor in a circle, and place a radio or CD p layer in the room. Explain to the children that the music will play and they should pass the potato to each other, and when the music stops Frankie Muniz Racing the child left holding the potato is out and has to leave the circle. Have an adult sit by a radio and turn it on and off during the game, w .

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