Frankie Muniz Racing

a large triangle with the marker. The triangle needs to be at least 4 inches long on all sides. Cut it out with the utility knife. Position the triangle at the back center of the fuselage. It needs to be equally between both tail sections, on the top side of the plane where it is supported by the wooden frame. The Styrofoam triangle should be on its thin edge so that it stands up, with the wider section pointing towa rds the back of the plane. The small pointed end needs to face the front. 4 Attach the motor of the plane to the underside of the fuselage a Mediterranean Diet t the nose point with some epoxy. Remember to use a very lightweight electric motor, or else the plane will be nose heavy and will not fly w ell.Split the Pairs Get your students running with this game. Begin by selecting one player to be "It." Divide the rest of the players into Frankie Muniz Racing pairs. The pairs all have to hold hands throughout the game. While the "It" student counts to 30, the pairs head away from him. Once he fini .

many rounds as time permits. Giant Squid To start this game, create a large square boundary within the gym by laying rope on the floor. Sel ect one player to become the Giant Squid. He stands in the middle of the square. Instruct the rest of the players to line up side by side be hind one of the sides of the square. When ready, the Giant Squid calls out "Swim fish, swim!" This prompts the players behind the line to ru n to the opposite side beyond the Giant Squid. While they race to the other side, they must avoid the Giant Squid as he tries to tag as many free maya models players as possible. If a player gets tagged, they freeze in place. All of the players who make it to the opposite side have to continue ra cing across the middle of the square every time the Giant Squid calls out "Swim fish, swim." The frozen players have to try and tag the othe Frankie Muniz Racing r players as they race by; however, they have to stay in their places. The last player remaining who was never tagged wins the game. Going T .

egs until he reaches the front of the line. The new last player in line does the same as soon as the player behind him has gone through his legs. This pattern continues until one of the lines has formed into its original line-up, with the original first player in the first positi on and the original last player in the last position in line. That team wins the game.1 Determine who the youngest player is; she has the fi rst turn. 2 Player 1, take the die and roll. Move forward the number of spaces shown on the die. 3 The space you land on will have instructi fancy fonts ons. Follow these instructions. There are many different types of spaces: Build, Turn Crank, Dog Bone, The Loop, Take Cheese, Lose Cheese, G o Back, Move Ahead and Safe. 4 If you land on a Build space, add a trap part by following the Building Plan in numerical order. Take one pie Frankie Muniz Racing ce of cheese from the file. 5 If you land on a Take Cheese space, take the designated number of cheese pieces from the pile. If the cheese p .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing