Frankie Muniz Racing

ncil. You need to create a stencil that will be placed onto the spinner and cut out. 3 Cut the design out with the X-acto knife and place it over the propeller and back plate. If it is too small, slice a little more of the design out. There should be a few millimeters of space be tween the two, but not so much that the propeller will come out of the spinner while it is in motion. 4 Tape the completed paper stencil to the base of the spinner. Place the tape on three sides: the top, left and right. Trace the stencil onto the spinner with the marker, then re free html website templates move it and repeat on the opposite side. 5 Cut out the stenciled shapes with the dremel. Smooth away any sharp edges with the sandpaper, the n test fit it onto the propeller and back plate to make sure that it fits correctly. If any fine tuning is needed, use the hand file to whit Frankie Muniz Racing tle away the ill-fitting areas.Girl's Scavenger Hunt A girl's scavenger hunt can quickly turn into an interesting photo taking game. Each pl .

st is the winner. Girls should use either a digital or cell phone camera so the photos can be seen immediately. Fashion Shoot There's not mu ch about a fashion shoot that doesn't appeal to girls. Make it a photo taking contest by judging the best photo. Some girls volunteer to be the models, while the others can be the photographers, and they can switch around later. The models dress up in play clothes and costume jew elry. The photographer takes several photos of their model until they get the shot they like best. Judge each girl's photo pick to choose a ice texture winner. You can also widen the range to include many categories such as nicest hair, prettiest eyes, etc. The Cutest Animal It's no secret t hat cute animals make a great photograph. Create a "Cutest Animal Photo" contest. Have the girls take photos of household pets or zoo animal Frankie Muniz Racing s to get a variety of photos. The girls should already have a pretty good idea about what is cute and what is not. However, you can always s .

e best way to introduce this concept is to simply discuss perspectives. Ask the girls things like, "What do you think an ant sees when it lo oks up the side of a tree?" Let them take some practice photos or show them examples of pictures that show how the camera captures a particu lar perspective. Once they understand what to do, send them out to take some photos. The most unique photo is the winner.1 Loosen the two bo lts on the side of the radiator cover of the ATV and the four screws in the side of the cowling. 2 Remove two of the six retainer clips from 3d model free the side of the cowling and replace with the four retainer clips in the mounting plate kit. 3 Set the mounting plate into position between the vertical frame rails on the front center of the ATV. The plate is designed to fit perfectly with the factory arrangement. Fasten the top Frankie Muniz Racing of this plate with the four self-tapping screws supplied in the kit. Do not fully tighten at this time. 4 Install the plastic side cowlings .

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