Frankie Muniz Racing

o need to put together a gameboard. To do this, she'll need a piece of cardboard with a baseball diamond drawn on it, as well as game counte rs or other markers to represent each team's players.The game leader begins play by flipping a coin to determine the first team to bat. That team then decides their batting order. The game leader asks the first batter a Bible-related question. If he gets it right, he can move his player marker to the first base on the board. He's then asked a second question, and this continues until he scores a run or gets a questio oatmeal diet n wrong--which means he's out, and the next batter starts answering questions. A team with three outs retires, and the other team is up to b at. The number of innings should be set out before play begins; for each inning, the game leader records the number of runs achieved by each Frankie Muniz Racing team. Scavenger Hunt A scavenger hunt can be a useful way for kids to learn more about the background and history of their church, while ke .

e located somewhere inside the church or around its grounds.The items don't have to be literal objects. For example, the kids might instead have to find out bits of information about the church by talking to the right people or looking in the right places. One typical task in thi s game might be to find out when the church was built. Verse Maze This game requires a chalk board, on which the game leader has written a B ible verse and drawn a maze. The maze is then covered by a cloth or other material. To begin, the players recite the verse a few times to me 3d diamond morize it. The leader then erases a few words from the verse and reveals the maze. The game participants must work through the maze to the c enter by telling the leader the missing parts of the verse. Each time a player shouts out a part of the verse, she gets to determine the nex Frankie Muniz Racing t direction the group takes through the maze.Bobbing Balloons Children attempt to capture all the bobbing balloons in a game from the Disney .

mp into the pool with the Sunken Treasure game, as described on the Coolest Kid Birthday Parties website. Players stand on opposite sides of the deep end of a pool. Throw rings, small balls or other sinking toys into the water. On the signal, players jump into the pool and retrie ve as many sunken treasures as possible. The child with the most treasures wins the game. Speedboat Relay Race Children race to fill a bucke t in a Speedboat Relay Race, adapted from the Disney Family Fun website. Set two empty buckets at one end of the pool, and two buckets fille different fonts d with water at the opposite end. Divide children into teams, and have them form lines behind the buckets full of water. Give the first play er on each team a plastic cup and a swim noodle or raft for the "speedboat." Players must fill the plastic cup with water, push the speedboa Frankie Muniz Racing t across the pool and pour the water into the empty buckets before returning to the start line. The next player in line continues the race. .

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