Frankie Muniz Racing

kids and plan out your strategy ahead of time. Decide where you want to set up your stand. Traditionally, people set up lemonade stands in t heir yards or at the end of the driveway; however, if your house is not located in a busy or safe area, you should consider setting up in a park or a soccer field. If you take your business someplace outside your neighborhood, make sure you have permission to be there. Decide whi ch days and times are the busiest based on the location you have chosen, and from there select your dates and hours of operation. Discuss wh white texture ether you want to make lemonade from scratch or use a mix, and then settle on a fair price per glass. It is important to price your lemonade fairly to attract more customers, so keep each glass in the range of $0.25 to $0.50 if you can. 2 Have your children create flyers and post Frankie Muniz Racing ers with detailed information about the stand's location, hours of operation, and pricing. Encourage them to add drawings to liven up the ad .

bills and coins to use for change. You will want dollar bills, quarters, nickels and dimes, but be prepared for customers who pay with larg e bills, too. Purchase your supplies if you haven't done so already. Supplies will include disposable cups, lemonade ingredients, ice, and a pitcher and stirrer if you do not already have them at home. Make up the first batch of lemonade and place it in the refrigerator to chill so you are ready to go as soon as you set up the stand. Pre-slice some lemons to place in the lemonade and in or on the cups. 4 Set up your 3d plane stand in the location you have selected. You can use any kind of table or even a large, sturdy, overturned box or crate. Cover your work sur face with a colorful tablecloth. Bring enough chairs for all the children to sit down and set them up behind the table. Attach some large, c Frankie Muniz Racing olorful signs to the front of the table to increase visibility, and make sure you include the price per glass in bold print. Bring along a g .

ack the correct change. If you plan on setting up shop regularly, tell the customer what days and times he can expect you again; this will s tart to earn you regular customers. 6 Clean up your workspace and pack up items you plan to take home. Throw away any trash you find, and re move any flyers or posters you set up beforehand to be recycled.The Blob The Blob is a game that is similar to the classic game of tag, but with a twist. It will get kids running around and keep them on their toes. Depending on the size of the class, choose one or two kids to sta p90x nutrition plan rt out as "The blob." Everyone else is free to run around. The blob is the tagger and anyone he tags becomes part of the blob. They join by holding hands with the tagger and they must now run together to tag the other children. The last child to avoid being tagged is the winner a Frankie Muniz Racing nd starts as the next blob. By the time there are only a few children left, it becomes hard for the blob to run quickly because the chain of .

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