Frankie Muniz Racing

t and the zookeeper has to put them back into the cages. Make new signs to label the cages with colors or sizes so that children can sort th e animals in different ways. Animal Charades Act like zoo animals in a game of animal charades from Pour a box of a nimal crackers into a bowl. One child chooses an animal cracker, but does not let the other children see it. The child acts like the zoo ani mal, while the rest of the children guess which animal he is portraying. When the group guesses correctly, the child gets to eat the animal p90x nutrition plan cracker. Spin and Spray Play a variation of the spin the bottle game. Give each child a small spray bottle filled with water, and tell playe rs that these are their elephant trunks. Children sit in a circle and hold the spray bottles in their laps. Set a bottle in the middle of th Frankie Muniz Racing e circle and spin it. The bottle will come to a stop and point to one person in the circle. The player makes a trumpeting sound and sprays h .

saurs, like birds, laid eggs and then protected them until they hatched. Make a mom dinosaur and a dad dinosaur out of felt and a big felt d inosaur nest to fit on the bottom of the felt board. Make ten dinosaur eggs, half of them unhatched and the other half with baby dinosaurs p eeking out. An easy way to do this is to just draw a big, open crack on the egg with two little eyes peaking out. Put a mixture of hatched a nd unhatched dinosaur eggs in the nest and let the kids count how many of each there are. As an alternative, let the kids design their own e 3d plane ggs and put them in the nest. Let them decide if their egg will be a hatched one or not. When everyone has their egg in the nest, everyone c an count how many hatched and unhatched eggs there are. To take the game even further, make little dinosaurs that have already hatched to pu Frankie Muniz Racing t on the board. Head of the School Make a bright blue flannel board to use as an aquarium. Cut out felt bits of seaweed, maybe a pirate's ch .

h travel in schools. Have all the children cover their eyes. Hide all the fish behind the seaweed, rocks and other aquarium pieces. Parts of the fish will be visible. Put the spectacles on one of the fish before you hide it. Make sure the spectacles can't be seen. Have one person at a time come up and try and find the teacher fish by pulling a fish off the flannel board. The one that finds the teacher fish gets to ch oose the teacher fish and hide the school of fish for the next game. Pussycat Hide and Seek Create a flannel board that looks like the insid cursive fonts e of a barn. Make felt pieces of things you might find in a barn, such as yellow stacks of hay, milk pails, old boxes, feed bags, maybe even an old tractor. Make a mama cat and several kittens. Ten is a good number. Make them all different colors and put numbers on each one. Now Frankie Muniz Racing tell the story that mama cat had all these kittens and they are wandering around and she can't seem to find them. Hide the kittens in differ .

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