Frankie Muniz Racing

he idea of this story game is to get everyone interacting and sharing ideas as part of one big community. All players sit in a circle, and o ne member, possibly an adult, begins the game by describing the first part---just a few sentences or so--- of a story. The story should be f airly simple but also imaginative to inspire others. The child sitting next to the first storyteller then continues the story, keeping to th e plot of the initial part but also adding her own narration to keep the story going. The story continues to be passed around the circle unt free it books il every child has contributed to it.Alternatively, as the Team Building Activities website suggests, you can provide each player with a pic ture on a card before you begin. On her turn, the child turns over the picture and must theme her part of the story based on whatever is on Frankie Muniz Racing the card. Two Truths This game is useful for introducing kids to each other in a social situation. The game is played in a small circle, typ .

ee statements. The other players then have a few minutes to discuss the three statements as a group before voting on which statement they co llectively think is a lie. The game thus allows players to get to know each other while improving their group discussion skills.Simple Board Game 1 Place the cardboard on your work table. Draw a line in the shape of a large S on the cardboard, using a marker. 2 Glue the colored s quares, end to end, along the entire line, using the glue stick. Alternate different colored squares as you go. 3 Glue the star at one end o design templates f the line and the treasure chest at the other end. 4 Allow each player to choose a button as a game piece to move along the colored squares . 5 Roll the dice to determine how many colored spaces a player can move their button, starting at the star and moving toward the treasure c Frankie Muniz Racing hest. The first one to reach the treasure chest without going past it wins the game. Teaspoon Pass-Along 6 Instruct the players to sit in a .

er on his right. 8 Players keep passing the marble to the right. A player who drops the marble is eliminated. 9 Keep passing the marble unti l only one person is left in the game. The last person left wins the game. Simple Memory Game 10 Draw a circle in the center of two index ca rds, and draw a square in the center of two index cards, using a green marker. 11 Draw the number "2" in the center of two index cards, and draw the number "5" in the center of two index cards, using a blue marker. 12 Draw the letter "C" on two index cards, and draw the letter "G rust texture " on two index cards, using a purple marker. 13 Mix up the index cards. Place all the index cards face down on the table. 14 Go around the t able, and have each player choose a card and keep it. Go around the table again and have each player choose another card. Have the player pu Frankie Muniz Racing t the card back if it doesn't match. Have the player keep the card if it matches. When a player matches a card, she also gets to keep the ne .

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