Frankie Muniz Racing

ing shapes with her hands or other tools, as described on the University of Illinois Extension's website. Gardening If permitted, help the t wo-year-old do some simple gardening, such as watering flowers around the house and patio. Instead of hurrying, stop to talk about the natur e all around you, noticing the calls of birds, small animals or insects you see, and the smell of the flowers in the garden. Puppets Stage a puppet show for the two-year-old, acting out one of his favorite stories. If you don't have puppets, use dolls or stuffed animals. Or, make 3d files the puppets together from household supplies like paper bags, construction paper, yarn (for hair) and glue. Talk to the child with the pupp ets to involve him in the story, with the puppets asking questions like, "What can Cinderella do now?" or "Who do you think Snow White met i Frankie Muniz Racing n the woods?" Music Find a small musical instrument to bring with you, or use a musical toy the child already has, to explore music together .

the child through games or toys he enjoys. As the Babysitting Tips website says, two-year-olds often enjoy playing with blocks, and you can build your own creations to entertain the child. This activity also helps children to hone their coordination.1 Insert the pins of the DS166 9 in the breadboard, with the two rows of pins straddling the center ridge. 2 Twist the wire lead of a jumper around the terminal of a momen tary switch with needle-nose pliers. Do this for both of its terminals. Repeat for the second switch. Connect a different jumper to each ter Sacred Heart Diet minal. 3 Insert one wire lead of a switch's, S1, jumper into pin row seven, which is the row of breadboard pins shared with IC pin seven. Re fer to the IC's datasheet to identify pin numbers. 4 Insert the other lead into the ground rail, which is either of the two outermost rows o Frankie Muniz Racing f holes along the length of the breadboard. These two rails runs perpendicular to the other rows and are electrically isolated from each oth .

row and the ground rail. 8 Insert one lead of the capacitor in the ground rail, and the other in pin row eight. 9 Place the batteries in the holder. 10 Insert one lead of the battery holder in the ground rail. Insert the other in the unused rail, which is called the power rail. 1 1 Place a jumper between the power rail and pin row eight. 12 Connect the input wire to pin row one and the output wire to pin row six. 13 U se the S1 and S2 switches to adjust the resistance of the potentiometer.True or False Run A high-energy game from the Kid Activities website 3d files starts by dividing the players into two teams. Give each team a goal on either side of the gym and place a line in the middle of the room. Gather the teams to the middle line and name one team True and the other team False. The team members stand behind their assigned sides of t Frankie Muniz Racing he line. Say either a true statement, like, "The sky is blue" or a false statement, like, "The sky is green." If you uttered a true statemen .

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