Frankie Muniz Racing

while the other players run and hide. When the ghost spots a player, he runs after her and tries to tag her. If she reaches home base, she is safe. If she gets tagged, she becomes the next ghost. Obstacle Course Kids often bring along sleeping bags to slumber parties. Incorporat e these into a game. Have the kids get together to make an obstacle course with objects in the room such as pillows, chairs and couch cushio ns. When the course is complete, each player takes turns hopping through the obstacles in her sleeping bag. Time each player to determine th free download fonts e winner. Play another round where the kids have to scoot through on the ground in sleeping bags. Object Hunt Get the lights out by having a glow-in-the dark object hunt. Throughout several rooms of the house, hide glow-in-the-dark objects such as stars or colored glow sticks. Gi Frankie Muniz Racing ve each player a bag and a flashlight and turn out the lights. Players then race around to try to gather as many of the objects as they can .

s. Play a part of each song and have the players guess the song. Award bonus points if the player also can name the artist.Get the Reindeer to their Sleigh You will need to prepare the following supplies: straws (one for each child), a sleigh cut out of paper, and nine reindeer c ut out of tissue paper. The reindeer should have slight differences like eye color, hair, and antlers, and one should have a red nose for Ru dolf.To play, line children up. Distribute straws. Spread the reindeer out on a chair and then place the sleigh on another chair, located se flat icon veral feet away from the first chair. By inhaling and exhaling on the straw, have the children take turns picking up the reindeer and deposi ting them, one at a time, into the sleigh. No hands! Run, Run, Rudolph You will need to prepare the following supplies: a container of Vasel Frankie Muniz Racing ine, and several circles cut out of red construction paper.To play, divide the children into two competing teams. Have the first child from .

ore Vaseline, and reapply her nose. Rudolf, Rudolf Children will be more successful in this game if they know each other's names.Prepare a s leigh cut out of construction paper. You could reuse the one from the Get the Reindeer to their Sleigh game.To play, have the children sit i n a large circle on the floor. Place one child in the middle of the circle and blindfold her. Quietly give another child the sleigh and by w hispering in his ear, help him say:Rudolf, Rudolf where's your big, red sleigh?Someone's come and taken it away.Can you guess who?Give the c sign in sheet hild in the center three chances to guess who is holding the sleigh. The child holding the sleigh is the next one to stand in the middle.Rac e to the Beehive This game provides a great way for kids to learn about the different flowers that bees pollinate to produce honey. Cut out Frankie Muniz Racing pictures of the flowers spread them out around the room. You can choose to separate the children into groups or do a free-for-all, but make .

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