Frankie Muniz Racing

pray paint. Allow each coat to dry for two hours before applying the next coat. A total of three coats of paint are usually enough to make a good base coat. Add any detail paint or decal stickers to make the car look more realistic. 6 Slide the wheels over the axles and then plac e the axles into the grooves on the bottom of the car. Make sure the axles are aligned straight. Glue the axles in place, making sure not to glue the wheels. 7 Weigh the completed car. The maximum allowable weight is 5 oz.. If the car is under that, drill holes into the bottom an download icon d glue some fishing weights into the back of the car. If the car is too heavy, drill out some wood from the bottom of the car. The ideal wei ght is just under 5 oz.Apple Race Create start and end finish lines by spreading jump ropes out on the ground. Line the children up and give Frankie Muniz Racing each one an apple. Instruct the kids to place the apples on their heads. When you blow a whistle, children must quickly walk to the finish .

th mini-marshmallows. Shooters can be bought online for under $10, or you can purchase materials at a hardware store and make your own shoot ers for the kids to use. Set up cardboard targets with bulls-eyes on them several feet away, and place bowls below the targets where they ca n catch the marshmallows as they rebound off the targets. Show each child which target he is to shoot at. When you blow the whistle, kids ar e to begin shooting marshmallows at the target. The kid who catches the most marshmallows in his bowl is the winner. Hidden Treasure Fill a rental lease agreement wading pool with pudding and hide plastic coins in the pudding. As the kids come to the station put a sleeping mask or blindfold on them and arrange the children around the pool. Instruct the kids to kneel where you are. When you yell "go," the kids have 30 seconds to collect as Frankie Muniz Racing many coins as possible. Afterward, they can exchange the plastic coins for chocolate ones. Manners Manners Show kids a proper table setting .

ary tattoos into balloons and blow them up. Tack the balloons to a cork- or cardboard easel. Line the children up; pull the first child in l ine forward then blindfold her. Spin her in a circle for 10 seconds, hand her an ink pen or a fork and push her in the direction of the ball oon board. Each child gets to pop one balloon and keep the prize before moving on to the next station.Barbie Online Games There are many Bar bie games online for girls to play. Each Barbie game has a slightly different focus and game play experience. In Barbie Around the World, ho free epub download sted on girls can play a game where Barbie travels to different locations around the world. The player must find the di fferences between two images to unlock fun items. In Barbie Snip and Style hosted on, girls can choose a Barbie charact Frankie Muniz Racing er to cut their hair, add accessories and dye it into fun colors. Makeover and Dress Up Online There are also hundreds of dolly dress-up and .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing