Frankie Muniz Racing

e in the front, four in the next row, three in the next row, two after that and one in the very back row. Instruct players to blow through a drinking straw at a ping-pong ball to push it down the table and knock down the empty yogurt containers. Players need to be in close proxim ity to the "pins" in order to knock any over. Big Ball Bowling Big Ball Bowling is like traditional bowling but you use 10 two-liter soda bo ttles filled partially with sand or water (anywhere from 3.5 to 7 ounces of sand or water per bottle is a good amount) as pins and a large a template ctivity ball as your bowling ball. Fashion a bowling alley on a flat, smooth surface and place the 10 pins at the end of the alley in triang ular configuration. Place the pins close enough together so that if the ball hits in the middle of the pins, it will likely result in a stri Frankie Muniz Racing ke. Give prizes for people who knock all of the pins down or keep score and give a prize to the winner."After Party Cleanup" In the game "Af .

le, the food on the floor goes in the trash, the fruit on the counter goes back in the fruit bowl and the flowers go into the vase. Players must work through three rounds, or rooms---the kitchen, living room and bedroom---to win. "Spring Garden Cleanup" The "Spring Garden Cleanup " game involves managing your own spring garden. This involves a variety of challenging garden- and outdoor-themed tasks. Players complete a ll rounds of the game by cleaning trash and various debris located within the front yard, the flower garden and the animal shelter, respecti texture vely. "Teddy's Birthday" Teddy is a little bear with a birthday soon approaching. Teddy's various woodland pals have planned a big surprise party for him. In the game "Teddy's Birthday," players move through numerous rounds with a different theme that helps Teddy's friends prepar Frankie Muniz Racing e for his surprise party. In the first round, players must help the squirrel and raccoon clean up a room in the cabin where the party will t .

gins.Paired Balloon Relay Races Relay races in the Olympics test the runner's speed. Using a similar format, this game teaches the children cooperation. Divide the children into two teams, then pair them off within the teams. Each pair has to walk the length of the room with a ba lloon held between their stomachs and return, passing the balloon off to the second pair behind them. The first team to get every pair acros s the room and back is the winner. Backwards Race For younger children, a backwards race can be challenging without being too difficult. Lin free 3d models e the children up with their backs toward the finish line and tell them that they have to make it to the finish line without turning around. This activity can allow the children to work on their coordination, and the novelty of running backward requires a new level of concentrati Frankie Muniz Racing on from them. Olympic Rings Show the children a picture of the five interlocked Olympic rings. Divide them into groups of six and see how lo .

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