Frankie Muniz Racing

stant with the ampere rating and voltage used by the electric motor and the voltage of the power source so you get the correct size resistor . 2 Turn off the 480 volt AC electrical power. Cut the wire between the power supply and the 418 volt AC motor in half using a knife. 3 Stri p about 2-inches of plastic off the end of the two halves of wire using wire stripper. This reveals the two internal wires, or three, if it' s grounded. 4 Remove ?-inch of plastic of the ends of the colored wires. This reveals the copper metal. 5 Twist together the copper metal on road texture the end of the two halves of the gray/white neutral wire. Wrap electrical insulating tape around the two wires so you completely cover the bare metal. Repeat the process if there is a third two-tone green wire. This is the ground wire. 6 Remove the cover from the resistor. Loose Frankie Muniz Racing n the two terminal screws using a screwdriver. Insert the red, orange or black wire on the opposite of the wire attached to the plug into th .

electrical socket and turn on the power. The 480 volts from the power supply is reduced to around 420 volts as it passes through the resisto r.Abralon Abralon is made with a coated, mesh-fabric abrasive that works well on wood, metal and plastic. It creates a smooth sanding patter n, and you can mold it to fit angled surfaces. You can use the discs and pads wet or dry. Scotch-Brite Scotch-Brite pads have a coated, nona brasive finishing surface. The surface is 3-D, so as the top wears away, a new surface is exposed. Scotch-Brite pads are color-coded by grit Body for Life measurement. They don't shed like steel wool and come in pads, sheet form or on a roll. Grit Sizes and Equivalents Abralon comes in seven g rit sizes, ranging from 180 to 4,000. Scotch-Brite pads come in different colors; each one represents a different grit and steel wool equiva Frankie Muniz Racing lent. The grits vary from 120 to 1,500.1 Measure the weight of your marine hose sample using the scales. 2 Measure the length of your marine .

the edge of your table. Measure the distance that it hangs over the edge of the table and multiply this value by the weight per unit length value you determined in Step 2. This value is the weight of the part of the hose that is causing the hose to bend due to the effect of grav ity. Make a note of this value. 4 Multiply the value determined in Step 3 by the gravitational field strength of the Earth. This gives you t he force acting on the hose. Make a note of this value. 5 Measure the outer and inner diameter of the hose using the tape measure. Take the cloud icon fourth power of the innner diameter of the hose and subtract it from the fourth power of the outer diameter. Multiply the result of this sub traction by pi. Divide this product by 64. This gives you the area moment of inertia of the hose. Make a note of this value. 6 Measure the i Frankie Muniz Racing ncrease of the length of the hose that occurs as a result of hanging it over the edge of the table. This can be approximated by measuring th .

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