Frankie Muniz Racing

ill be mounted. Run the red and black wires from the contactor to the ATV's battery. Do not connect them at this time. 7 Attach the winch to the front of the frame of the Sportsman using four 5/16-inch bolts. The ATV will have a specific mount on the front. The bolt holes on the winch's mounting plate will align perfectly with these holes. 8 Fasten the yellow and blue wires to the winch. The winch will have color-cod ed terminals to attach the wires. Simply back off the nut on the terminal, slide the matching color wire underneath and tighten. 9 Attach th smoke texture e bumper back onto the front of the ATV using the reverse of the process you used to remove it. 10 Attach the switch and bracket to the hand lebars of the ATV by removing the bolts to the bracket, then reattaching them around the handlebar and tightening 11 Run the switch wire dow Frankie Muniz Racing n to the frame and toward the contactor. Be careful not to interfere with the ATV's steering or controls. Attach the switch's wires to the c .

These connectors work by placing one wire in each groove of the connector and closing the gate. This forces a metal blade into both wires, creating the connection. 14 Secure all lose wires with cable ties.Grocery List Have your child add his favorite food to the grocery list bef ore you go to the market. He can write the food name or just the first letter on the list. He can then find the food item when you get to th e store. Help an older child compare brands, nutrition and prices for his favorite food. Divide and Conquer Give your older kids each one pa Brown Fat Revolution rt of the grocery list and a shopping cart. There should be an equal number of items on each list, and each child should have access to a cl ock or watch. Give them 20 minutes to find everything on the lists and a meeting place in the store when they are finished. The first kid wh Frankie Muniz Racing o gets everything on the list gets to choose what you will have for dinner and dessert that night. Produce Colors Wheel your shopping cart t .

t Food Look for foods that start with the same letter. Have your child think of meals where everything starts with the same letter. For exam ple, lunch could be a banana, bread, blueberry jam and boysenberry juice. Dinner could be steak, sweet potatoes, sourdough bread, salad and soda. Price Check Have your child make his own grocery list of his top-five favorite foods. Look up each food on an online nutrition calcula tor and write down the nutrition information. He can find each food when you get to the store, and you can check the package label for any i clock icon nformation you could not find on line. Have your child compare the nutrition information and prices. Use the electronic price checker, if th e market has one. Let your child choose one or two items to buy. Hot and Cold Have your kids think about which items you would never put in Frankie Muniz Racing a bag together. For example, you would not put ice cream in a bag with hot soup, or eggs with a 12-pack of soda. Cleaners would not be packe .

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