Frankie Muniz Racing

would be more appropriate. 5 Hone your descriptive skills before writing. A writing exercise where you work to describe something or someone using all of your senses will help you to improve your perception, leading to more authentic and believable characters and settings. A sens e of perception is necessary when describing the characters, settings and events which are part of your book. 6 Develop your characters and plot well. Include background on the characters so the reader can feel that he or she really knows the characters. Describe the plot thoroug letter of intent sample hly so that the reader will know what is going on in the story, event by event. 7 Use descriptive words and phrases so your reader will be a ble to see, hear, smell and taste what you describe. Make the reader feel like he or she is there, and a part of the story. This will help t Frankie Muniz Racing he reader want to keep reading.Sneak In Some Education Charades is fun for kids and, as long as the content is accessible, there's no reason .

tes. Promote other languages by playing charades with basic vocabulary in a second language. A clue might say "chien" for "dog" in French. T he very young might do best with basic animals in English. Inspiration From Books Get a game going with characters or animals from a book. S pecify the book or series of books if you like---the Chronicles of Narnia or Harry Potter series would work well. Make sure that all childre n playing the game are familiar with the book(s). Use movies in lieu of books if you like, but again, make sure the children have all viewed fire texture the movie or movies you plan to use. While there is typically one actor on stage at a time, in this category it can be interesting to have a team of two go up to portray a pair of characters. Shy children will especially appreciate this. Turning Up the Volume While the actor is Frankie Muniz Racing normally silent during his/her time in spotlight, the charades can also be played with sounds. Write down something like, "telephone" or "Ga .

"recess bell."Worm Painting Pretend that cooked spaghetti noodles are worms. Simulate the slimy feeling of worms with cooked spaghetti noodl es, as suggested by Preschool Express. (See Reference 1) Spread out a large sheet of paper and tape it to the table. Dip the spaghetti noodl es in paint and slide them around on the paper. Vary the activity by dragging noodles through a mound of chocolate pudding on the paper. Wor m Hunt Cut yarn into small pieces to make worms. Kid Activities recommends cutting a length of yarn into several pieces to make worms. (See Caveman Diet Reference 2, under Games, #3) Hide the worms around the yard for the children to find. As each child finds a worm, he brings it to an adult. The adult ties the pieces of yarn together to make the longest worm possible. To make the game more competitive, divide the children into t Frankie Muniz Racing eams and use two colors of yarn cut into equal lengths. The team with the longest worm at the end of the time wins the game. Worm-Eating Con .

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