Frankie Muniz Racing

Hello! How Are You? At the beginning of this game, the girls sit in a circle or around a table. Point to each child and have her tell the g roup her first and middle name. Do this around the table. Next, you pick a girl to start the game. She must turn to the girl next to her and say, "Hello! How are you? My name is Margaret Jane." Instead of saying "Margaret Jane," she will use the other girl's first and middle name . If she gets it right, she gets to continue around the table until she gets it wrong. Then the next girl at the table gets to try. This nam awesome fonts e guessing should always proceed with "Hello! How are you?" If the player fails to say it, she automatically forfeits her turn. Rummy Cards Teach girls cards games to play during quiet time in the parlor. Shuffle the cards and give every child seven cards. Place the remaining dec Frankie Muniz Racing k in the center of the table. Show girls how to play Rummy by collecting three or four of a kind or straights, which consists of three or mo .

te their "groups." The first girl to play all her cards, either through discarding or making "groups," wins. Make the game more complicated by having girls hold all their groups in their hands rather than discarding them. When a player has completed her groups, she says, "Gin!" a nd lays her cards down.Fox Hunt The only thing needed to play Fox Hunt is a handkerchief, tissue or piece of cloth, and lots of energy. Acco rding to, the game starts with players standing in a circle, facing each other. One child plays the fox, carrying the character reference letter handkerchief while walking around the outside of the circle. The other players can't turn to watch him. The fox drops the cloth behind one of the children, who picks up the cloth and chases the fox around the circle, trying to tag him before he reaches the empty spot in the circ Frankie Muniz Racing le. If tagged, the fox must try again. However, if he successfully reaches the empty spot, the other child becomes the lazy egg and must sta .

s at home plate to be the "batter," another serves as "pitcher" and the rest are positioned around the bases and in the field. The pitcher t hrows the disc to the "batter," who catches it and throws it to any player on the field. The batter then makes a run for first base and more , if she can make it. She is "out" if the player in the field catches the disc. If the disc isn't caught, the field player must throw it to a base player before the batter reaches that base; otherwise, the batter is safe. Each player takes a turn at bat. Bean Bag Games Tossing ar photoshop texture ound bean bags makes a simple, but entertaining lawn game. Play bean bag toss with inexpensive bean bags and a cardboard box with holes cut in it. Players try to toss their bean bags into the holes, keeping score or just entertaining themselves. Add a variation to the game by for Frankie Muniz Racing ming teams. Line up the teams and have the kids pass the bean bags to the next one in line. The winning team has the most players who get th .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing