Frankie Muniz Racing

e your protagonist, and other characters in the story, fear. One of the most popular examples of this type of story is Bram Stoker's "Dracul a." Vampires often make appearances in Gothic fiction, so see if you can create a mythical creature besides a vampire. Use your imagination, or do some research about historic folk tales that involve scary beasts. Develop a plot for your short story that involves a protagonist wh o defends others from the mythical creature. Or, if you want to really be edgy, have your protagonist be killed off at the end, after saving Hydroxycut a village from the dark and evil creature. Romance Romance is a common theme in Gothic fiction, so find a way to weave it into your short s tory. Remember, the difference between a Gothic romance story and a traditional romance story is romance in a Gothic story usually occurs be Frankie Muniz Racing tween two people, or creatures, who are not supposed to love one another. This "taboo" type of romance is what makes it fall into the Gothic .

ts Find a way to turn a historic moment in time into a Gothic story. You can take real events in history, such as a war, and add Gothic elem ents by giving humans special powers or making them immortal. If you go this route, make sure to do research about the particular historical moment so you can capture an accurate description of the events. Even though you are writing a fictional piece, it is still important to ke ep certain historical things correct. Futuristic Set your Gothic short story in the future. Create a world that takes place many years from Jenny Craig now and invent characters that have supernatural powers, such as flying, becoming invisible or turning into shadows. Keep the dark undertone and make sure your characters face issues that cause disorder or distress, which are traits of the Gothic genre.Who Am I? Use riddles to te Frankie Muniz Racing ach the children facts about the human body. Choose an organ and list the different attributes. Use these to form riddles about body parts. .

images of the body parts. Cover the majority of the image with a sheet of paper. Slowly slide the paper down as you ask the questions.Consid er letting children create their own riddles and quiz each other. Be sure to check their facts ahead of time to be sure they are accurate. M agnetic Flow Chart Laminate an illustration of the human body that clearly shows the inside of the body. Place the image on a cookie sheet o r other magnetic surface. Print up the names of the parts of the circulatory system. Add small magnetic strips to the back of these words. L Living Low-Carb et the kids point out the path the blood takes when traveling through the circulatory system by placing the words near the proper organs. Kn owing the proper pathway, as well as the names for the parts along the way, will help seal the information in their brain. Online Games Many Frankie Muniz Racing educational children games are available online. Look for human body games that teach through puzzles, mazes, searches and matching. Online .

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