Frankie Muniz Racing

ld how to stand the cards up on their sides to make walls and ceilings of a house. Pirate Treasure Hunt Any loose change you may have can be used as the "pirate's treasure." You will need any spare change and one cup or bowl per player. Have kids leave the room while you hide the "treasure." You can hide them anywhere a child can find them -- such under cushions, under the rug, or behind curtains. When the kids retur n, give each of them a cup or bowl and let the treasure hunt begin. Decide how long they have to hunt. When the time is up, the child with t website templates he most coins wins. Let the kids keep any "pirate treasure" they find. For added fun, have the kids make their own pirate hats out of constr uction paper before they hunt for the treasure.1 Measure the board to the length or width you need to cut it. Make two marks, spaced a few i Frankie Muniz Racing nches apart at this measurement. 2 Line a straight edge along the two marks draw a line at the cutting marks. 3 Line the mark up with the bl .

ortion of the board lying on the flat surface with your free hand to keep it from shifting. For a fixed circular saw, place the board under the blade,lower the saw down onto the board. 5 Adjust the side bar if using a hand saw. This is a metal plate that the board rests up agains t on one side as it is fed through the blade. It moves so that you can get the board to touch the blade to the board at the cutting mark. Wi th a table saw, hold the board from the back end with your right hand and up along the side of the front end with the left hand. Holding it fonts near the front is important to keep the board from riding up the blade, which can cause a strong kick back.Three-Corner Tag Select one playe r out of the group to be "it." Divide the rest of the players into teams of three. Have each team position themselves like a triangle, with Frankie Muniz Racing each player holding onto the right wrist of one teammate and the left wrist of the other. Place a sticky note on only one of the teammates p .

e after the teams, tagging only the targets of each team to eliminate the groups. The last team standing wins the game. Giant Squid One play er, the Squid, stands in the middle of a square area, while the rest of the players stand to one side of the square. When the Squid shouts, "Swim, fish, swim" the players all race past the Squid to the opposite side of the square. Meanwhile, the Squid has to try and hit as many p layers as possible with a bouncy ball. When a player gets hit, he becomes a Squid minion and has to sit down in the middle and tag players a textures s they go by. After several rounds, the last player standing wins the game. Lion's Cub Pick one player to sit on the ground about 10 feet aw ay from the group, facing away from them. Place a stuffed animal in between the group and the player. One by one, players sneak over to the Frankie Muniz Racing stuffed animal, attempting to steal it. If the player hears someone coming, he growls like a lion. If someone is there, he switches places w .

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