Frankie Muniz Racing

on your knees to get lower. All the children who succeed must play another round, while the children who fell over or couldn't grab hold of the box with their teeth are eliminated. Repeat rounds until you have only one child remaining. That child is the winner. Tower of Os Give each child who wants to play the game a mound of clay. Have the children stick one piece of uncooked spaghetti in the clay so that it is sti cking straight up. Set a bowl of O-shaped cereal next to each child. When you say "Go," each child must rush to place the cereal Os over the iphone models strand of spaghetti to form a tower. The child who completes her tower first is the winner.Balloon Pop Line up a row of chairs side-by-side and put an inflated balloon in each chair. Put out one chair and one balloon for each player. Mark a starting line about 20 feet away from Frankie Muniz Racing the chairs and have the kids sit on the line. When you say, "Go," the kids must run to a chair and pop a balloon by sitting on it. The first .

them to use their imagination to make tops, skirts, pants, jewelry and hats. Give each group one roll of tape if they need it. After 30 min utes, the groups model their foil fashions. Award prizes to the funniest, silliest, scariest and best foil fashions. Card Throwing Place a h at in the middle of the playing area face up, so the kids can toss cards into it. Mark two lines on opposite sides of the hat about 6 feet a way. Divide the kids into two teams and have them line up at the two lines on each side of the hat. Give the first two players in each line 5 Bite Diet a deck of cards. Make sure each deck has a different backing. When you say, "Go," the players try to toss as many playing cards in the hat a s possible at the same time. When the cards are gone, tally up the points for each team. The cards have to be in the hat to count for points Frankie Muniz Racing . Number cards 1 to 10 earn one point and all royal face cards earn two points. Keep track of the points. Collect the cards, hand them to th .

police badge, a party hat, an apple and jewelry. The kids have 30 minutes to make up a skit using the items in their group bags. Send each group into different rooms to practice. Award prizes to the funniest, silliest, scariest and best skits.Balloon Bump Inflate balloons and te ll your kids to try to keep the balloon in the air using their hands. Give them a few minutes to practice. See who can keep a balloon in the air the longest without it hitting the ground. Then switch and see who can keep the balloon in the air using only their feet. Marbles Child iphone models ren need a plastic cup, rubber band, napkin or paper towel and marbles to play this game. Pull the napkin apart so it is only one-ply and da b it with water. Stretch the napkin over the top of the cup and use the rubber band to hold it in place. Children take turns putting a marbl Frankie Muniz Racing e on the napkin. The player who adds the marble that breaks the napkin loses the game. Obstacle Course Make an indoor obstacle course using .

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