Frankie Muniz Racing

Frankie Muniz Racing

e children that when you stop the song, they have to quickly sit down in a chair and the last one standing will be out this round. Stop the song when you're ready. Ask the kid out to sit with you and remove one of the chairs. Repeat this until you're left with one child standing. Snowball Fight Have the class collect old newspapers and paper that will be recycled. Use masking tape to make a large square then divide t he square into four. Have the children make four even teams and stand in one of the four sections of the square as a team, with only one tea electronegativity chart m per section. Hand each team a stack of paper. Tell the teams that when you say, "Go" they are to crumple the paper and throw it at the oth er team's section for three minutes. After three minutes, everyone freezes. Count how many "snow balls" are in each section. The team with t Frankie Muniz Racing he least amount will win a point. The team with two points first wins the game.Map the Route Lewis and Clark began by traveling 2,000 miles .

t would take a modern boat to travel the same route. The comparison shows the impact of technology and travel progression to the students. M odel Boat To travel upstream on the Missouri River, Lewis and Clark transported their group on a flat-bottomed boat equipped with a sail and oars, a far cry from a modern speed boat or ship. Have the students create model boat replicates of the boat used by Lewis and Clark. The s tudents can construct the boats out of clay, papier-mach¨¦ or even ice cream bar sticks. Have the student write a paper to accompany the mod free ebook el that details the construction of the actual boat, the advantage of a flat-bottomed ship and how the oars and sails were used. Map the Riv ers Although a Northwest Passage was never found, the area explored is filled with rivers and waterways. Have the students create a map illu Frankie Muniz Racing strating all the water ways to show how close or far the country is from having such a passageway. Paddle Race For a fun and entertaining ac .

Have one player per team at a time propel themselves across the pool and back using only paddles or ores. The first team to have every memb er paddle across and back wins. This will illustrate to students how difficult Lewis and Clark's travels were, especially since the whole 2, 000 miles was upstream, not to mention strong currents and many obstacles.Joints Requiring Nails or Screws Three types of wood joints requir e the use of nails or screws. The lap joint is easiest to make but requires nails or screws for strength. The dado is stronger than the lap free html templates joint and requires nails for strength; the nails are easily hidden. The dado works well for drawer support. The miter joint must be construc ted at a 45-degree angle, making it difficult to construct, and requires nail and glue for strength; however, it is the best-looking of the Frankie Muniz Racing three joints. Joints Not Requiring Added Support Tongue and groove, dovetail, mortise and tenon, and dowel joints do not require screws or n .

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