Frankie Muniz Racing

nt to use in your 6 volt system. If your system is battery powered, the more light bulbs you use the quicker the battery will go dead. 2 Cut strips of AWG 18 gauge wire using a knife. The number of strips you need to cut depends on the number of 12 volt light bulbs you're using i n the 6 volt system. Multiply the number of light bulbs you're using by 2. For example, if you're using 4 light bulbs, then you need 8 wire strips. The length you cut depends on the distance you want between the light bulbs. 3 Strip about ? inch of outer plastic from the ends of graffiti font all the wires using wire strippers. Loosen the terminal screws on the light bulb holders using a screwdriver. 4 Insert the end of one strip of wire under a terminal screw on the light holder, and then insert a second strip under the other terminal. Tighten the screws. 5 Insert th Frankie Muniz Racing e opposite ends of both strips of wire under the two terminal screws on the second light holder. Insert the ends of another two strips of wi .

if you're using more lights. Repeat the process by attaching another two wires to the third light holder. Once you have connected all the li ght holders you want to use, connect the last two wires extending from the last light holder to the power source and your 12 volt lights now operate using a 6 volt system.1 Discount stores and office supply stores offer a wide variety of notebooks. Find a notebook to fill with fu n kids' games. The size of notebook you choose depends on the intended recipient. A girl might like a small notebook to fit inside her purse music icon while a whiz kid might need a large notebook to fill with more elaborate games.Also consider the cover when you select a notebook. If you p lan to elaborately decorate the cover, any color will do. If you want a quick, no-fuss cover, select a designer notebook. 2 Write with color Frankie Muniz Racing ful pens or markers to grab children's attention. Dedicate the notebook to the recipient on the first page. Using a colorful pen or marker, .

e of the game and instructions, if needed. Then add the game.For tic-tac-toe, simply add the grid. For hangman, simply add the base. Create word search puzzles using the names of the recipient's friends or favorite activities. Design Sodoku puzzles based on the child's math skill s. You can even make your own connect-the-dot pictures and mazes. Be sure to adapt each game to the child's interests and skill levels. 4 Ta ilor the book to the child's interests with glitter, paint and stickers. Embellish the notebook as simply or elaborately as you desire. Choo bill of sale template se accents that highlight the recipient's interests, such as sports, flowers or teddy bears. Decorate the notebook quickly with stickers and markers. Or adorn it more elaborately with glitter, paint, ribbons, craft gems, decoupage and scrapbook paper.Freehand Method 1 Sketch your Frankie Muniz Racing picture lightly on plain paper with a soft pencil. 2 Add evenly-spaced numbered dots -- starting at one point with the number 1 and continu .

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