Frankie Muniz Racing

ing with sequential numbers as you go -- and any details in black pen. 3 Erase the pencil lines. Make copies of the game and laminate or cov er with contact paper, if necessary. Tracing Paper Method 4 Place the tracing paper over your chosen image. Trace any wanted details in penc il. Add numbered dots at regular intervals along the main outline -- starting at one point with the number 1 and continuing with sequential numbers as you go -- but do not trace the line itself. 5 Lay a piece of carbon paper face down on a sheet of plain paper. Lay the traced ima music icon ge on top of this. Pressing firmly, draw over the details and dots to transfer them to the plain paper. 6 Ink the dots, numbers and details with the black pen. Copy and laminate as needed. Simple Drawing Package Method 7 Launch a simple drawing computer program such as MS Paint. Frankie Muniz Racing Open your image. From the File menu, save a copy so you can revert to the original image if you make a mistake. 8 Click on the Eraser tool. .

and continuing with sequential numbers as you go. Save and print the file. Copy (or print) and laminate as needed. Advanced Image Software Method 10 Launch Photoshop, Gimp or another image manipulation program. Open your chosen image. 11 Create a new layer. Working on the layer with both layers visible, use a round brush to make regular dots around the outline of your original image. Left click on the original layer in the Layers menu so that you are working in the bottom layer but you can see the top layer while you work. Erase the outline of the origi bill of sale template nal image under the dots. 12 Merge the layers. Number the dots with the text tool, starting at one point with the number 1 and continuing wi th sequential numbers as you go. Save the image and copy or print as many copies as you need.Online Games The first Waffle Boy game made was Frankie Muniz Racing "Waffle Boy's Mountain Adventure." In this game, Waffle Boy is up against the evil Professor Burnt Toast. He must find all of the Waffle Cr .

ens doors. The space bar jumps and gets on vehicles while "D" jumps while you're in the vehicle. "Waffle Boy's Jungle Adventure" finds Waffl e Boy on a similar adventure in a jungle environment. He moves using the arrow keys and jumps with the space bar. You can play the jungle ad venture game on the Games2Girls, Free Online Games, or I Am Bored websites. Scavenger Hunt A Waffle Boy themed backyard scavenger hunt is an other Waffle Boy game girls can play. Girls can role play and pretend they are Waffle Boy's young teenage helpers. Waffle Boy has been kidna cpm ebooks pped by Professor Burnt Toast and has left a series of clues around the back yard. Before the game starts, attach several pieces of paper to plastic waffles. Each paper should have a clue indicating the location of another clue. Scatter these around your back yard and house and g Frankie Muniz Racing ive the girls the starting clue. Hide a box of Waffle Crisp at the final clue. This can indicate that they have found Waffle Boy. Homemade B .

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