Frankie Muniz Racing

ake contextual sense that completes the rhyme. For example, if the clue reads "Take a hint from this card, Look next in the front ____," the word "yard," instead of "bard" or "lard," would work best in the blank. 4 Unscramble the letters if the clue is presented as nonsensical wo rds. Sometimes the word clues are presented in "code," and it is up to you to decipher that code. Usually the words will only have a slight alteration so that solving the clue won't be too time consuming. For example, the clue might read, "ooLk ni teh graage," which unscrambles t free books download o read, "Look in the garage." 5 Answer the question or riddle asked by the set of clues. Some clues ask you a question with the answer then used in solving the clue. For example, in your treasure hunt, you may come on three envelopes, labeled "1," "2" and "3," with three differen Frankie Muniz Racing t directions inside. Next to the envelopes is a card that reads, "How many blind mice were there?" Since the answer to the question is three .

, keep your head up and your eyes looking straight ahead of you. Keep your elbows out away from your body and slightly bent with your should ers relaxed. Ride with your knees in toward the vehicle and your hands continuously on the handlebars. Always remember to keep your feet on the footrest pointed straight ahead. Starting and Stopping Always take off in first or a low gear and then gradually work your way up to hig her gears as speed increases. Decrease speed before stopping and use both your front and back brakes when coming to a stop. This will help y free dreamweaver templates ou make a smooth and non-skidding stop. Turning When making turns, lean your body forward and in the direction on the turn while turning the handlebars. You should also be looking in the direction of the turn while doing this. Lean your body deeper in when making sharp turns or t Frankie Muniz Racing urns at high speeds. This will help you to control the vehicle and keep your balance. If the vehicle starts to tilt, lean into the turn even .

y and then picking up speed as you approach the hill. When climbing up the hill, scoot forward on your seat and stand up with your upper bod y leaning over the front wheels. Keep your weight uphill while ascending and then slow down and lean towards the back of the vehicle when co ming down.Planning 1 Pick the object of your game. Every game needs a goal that players are trying to achieve, and this goal will decide wha t game play will consists of. Your game could be a dressing game, where players get points for stylish combinations of dress articles on a m background textures odel, or a store simulation where players choose the items that will stock their shelves. 2 Determine the challenges that will face your pla yers over the course of the game. If you are making a dressing game, will players have to design outfits that work with a particularly garis Frankie Muniz Racing h accessory, or even basic clothing item? Or, if it is a clothing store simulation, will opposing stores get hip new items that the players' .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing