Frankie Muniz Racing

ng material. Science charades can include a category such as weather with words such as clouds, rain, snow and tornado or the category insec ts with words such as bee, grasshopper, praying mantis and butterfly. Social Studies charades can include the category landforms with words like mountain, valley, tundra and hills. Students can play individually with each one acting out words or phrases or divide into teams and c ompete for points that can be rewarded with extra computer time or library time.1 Look for clubs online. Check with Pokemon fan sites, such 3d chess board as the official site (see Resources), to locate any game play activity or game fans in your area. 2 Participate in Pokemon tournaments. Loca l fan clubs should make an appearance at tournaments. If you don't see a clearly marked group, ask around. You can find tournaments on Pokem Frankie Muniz Racing on's official site under "Organized Play." 3 Ask at local comic or game shops. Game shops rely on a local community for traffic and sales, s .

cot, name or any other image particular to your school. 2 Seniors wait four years to receive senior magnets. Distribute magnets to students. Students earn special magnets, such as a welcome magnet on their first day, or a senior magnet when they enter 12th grade. All students ear n other magnets throughout the year. For example, honor roll students can earn honor roll magnets, and volunteers can earn community service magnets. 3 Explain that the magnets have value. Rare magnets signed by the principal can only be earned for exceptional service and are awa google font rded by the principal in a formal ceremony. In contrast, a more common magnet that can be bought by anyone at the school store showing the s chool name or logo, is considered less valuable. 4 Build relationships between students by encouraging them to work together to acquire cert Frankie Muniz Racing ain magnets. Allocate special days for trading and bartering for magnets that allow students to build a diverse collection. Such days includ .

t magnets. 6 During an awards ceremony, the principal can award special magnets. Supply the principal with special magnets that can be earne d by students for exceptional performance. To keep the value system in place, the principal's magnets are the most difficult to earn and are therefore the most valuable. 7 Encourage students to display their magnets on the insides of their lockers. 8 Conclude each school year wit h a locker cleanout that includes managing magnet collections. Underclassmen pack up their collections and reintroduce them the next school lock icon year. Seniors pass down magnets to lower class students or pack up their collections and take them home. 9 A new school year means a new cus tom magnet. Carry on the tradition of customized magnets each year. How to Customize 10 Wear school colors to show school spirit. Allow stud Frankie Muniz Racing ents to wear clothes in school colors for a custom uniform on special days or over a certain time period such as a week labeled "Spirit Week .

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