Frankie Muniz Racing

en everyone is paired, have them introduce themselves and ask questions. You can have a set list of questions, either written somewhere, exp lained beforehand or listed while they are with their partners. If there are fewer than eight children, this exercise can be repeated until everyone has gotten to know each other. According to Education World, a challenge can be added by having the children introduce their partne rs to the whole group. Getting to Know You Bingo This game of bingo can be printed out at the Teacher Vision website (see "Resources"). Like 3d model normal bingo, children have a sheet full of boxes, but instead of numbers and letters, the boxes hold descriptions such as "loves pizza," " has curly hair" and "can do a magic trick." The children wander around the room asking the other children which description fits them best. Frankie Muniz Racing The children then write their names in the box that fits them. The game ends when someone gets the entire box filled or, like bingo, a strai .

tched brass plate onto the steel plate, using a marker. 2 Drill holes through the steel plate on the marked spots. This will create a place to secure a "backbone" on the hand saw. 3 Spread epoxy glue on the steel plate with a brush along the edge with the drilled holes. Slide the notched brass plate onto the top of the steel plate and attach clamps to set the notched brass backbone. Let the epoxy dry according to the manufacturer's directions. 4 Put bolts through the notched brass and steel plate. Tighten them firmly with a wrench, then drill two to thre 7 Day Diet e additional holes through one end of the steel plate for the handle. 5 Cut out a handle from a block of wood using a jigsaw. The handle can be as plain or decorative as you like. You may use another prefabricated hand saw to get an idea or to copy its pattern. Drill holes throug Frankie Muniz Racing h the handle, corresponding with the holes drilled in the one end of the steel plate. 6 Set your homemade hand saw on a prefabricated hand s .

swimming pool and use a permanent green marker to draw lily pads on the bottom of the pool. Fill the pool with water. Have the kids each de corate a stone to resemble a frog using wiggly eyes and markers. Tell the children to write their name on the stones. Mark a standing line a bout 10 feet from the swimming pool and have the children line up at the line. Each kid tosses his frog stone from the line into the pool tr ying to land his stone on a lily pad. Award a prize to each child who lands his stone on a lily pad. Caterpillar and Bug Tag Select one kid 3d model to be the caterpillar and all the other children are the bugs. When you say, "Go," the caterpillar chases the bugs and tries to tag each one of them. Once the caterpillar tags a bug, she must attach herself to the caterpillar to try to catch all the other bugs. End the game after Frankie Muniz Racing 10 minutes or when all the bugs are attached to the caterpillar. Pin the Bee on the Flower Draw a sunflower on a large poster board and dra .

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