Frankie Muniz Racing

ter, a heart-shaped pebble, a feather, something alive, something smooth, something rough. You may want your list to be more comprehensive, as well as interpretive, for older kids, so have them photograph, list or sketch the items on the list. For example, you may ask for a sign (such as a track or a half-eaten nut, or even a beaver dam) left by an animal, an animal's home (such as a nest, hole in a tree or beaver lo dge), something natural that is red (a feather, flower or mushroom), something animal (an insect), something mineral (a pebble), something v cg textures egetable (a leaf), something an animal eats, a source of water, something beautiful. Use your imagination, and remember: If you host an indo or scavenger hunt, simply use man-made items instead of natural ones. Discuss the Process Allow each kid to explain her interpretation of it Frankie Muniz Racing ems and ask questions. Use this opportunity to ignite the kids' interest in nature by discussing what they found and what each item represen .

a world that's beyond the television screen.The Empty Chair In her book, "101 Movement Games for Children," Huberta Wiertsema shares the ga me called "The Empty Chair." For this game you need chairs for everyone in the group, plus one extra. Arrange all of the chairs in a wide ci rcle, facing inward. The circle needs to be big enough to allow for running. All of the children sit in the chairs and announce their names. Ask the children to repeat the name, if necessary. If there are multiple people with the same name, ask if one uses a nickname or add the f 3d model irst initial of their last names. The child sitting to the right of the empty chair must "slap" the chair and call out a name of one of the children in the circle. The child belonging to that name runs to the empty chair and sits down. The child next to the newly emptied chair ca Frankie Muniz Racing lls out a new name and the game continues until everyone's name has been called. Singing Games Children love sing-along songs, which can inc .

ke up an original song to incorporate names. Children can also be asked to sing their names in a certain style of music, using examples befo rehand, such as "country" or "pop". Meetball The National Association for the Education of Young Children offers a game used for introductio ns. In "Meetball" the children all stand in a wide circle. Using an object that can be thrown, such as a small ball, a balloon or even a pie ce of cloth, an adult throws or hands a child the object. The child then loudly introduces herself, using the "Hi, my name is . . . !" line. 7 Day Diet The other children then repeat the name using, "Hello . . . !" Matching Game Using string, cut enough pieces for everyone in the group. Eac h piece should have another length of exactly the same size. This can also be done with numbers or words written on paper, as long as there Frankie Muniz Racing are two of each type used. Ask each child to find his match -- the person who has the same size string, the same number or the same word. Wh .

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