Frankie Muniz Racing

where the circuit functions are going to be routed on your board. 2 Choose "Options" in the view menu of the CAD program. Turn off or unsel ect "Show Grid." Turn off "View Top Copper Layer" or "View Bottom Copper Layer" depending on which layer of the circuit design you do not wa nt to print. Unselect "View Silkscreen Layer." Unselect "View Corners." 3 While still in the options menu of the CAD program, select the "Co lors" tab. Click on the "Background" tab and select the color white. Click on the "Top Layer" tab and select the color black. Click on the " unit circle chart Bottom Layer" tab and select the color black. Click on the "Board Edges" and select the color black if you want a border to help you align t he print and give yourself a guide when you go to drill holes into the circuit board assembly. Select "OK." The circuit diagram view window Frankie Muniz Racing now shows the copper circuit pathways in black. 4 Zoom in on the board image until it is as big as you can get it to go while still fitting .

he picture until it only has the circuit board design on it. Select the "Flip/Mirror Image" feature to flip the circuit diagram around. Do n ot select "Rotate" as it won't turn out right for you when you go to print it. 6 Insert the printed circuit board transfer film into the pri nter so the dull side of the transfer film is up. Print the circuit image that you made in your paint program onto the transfer film.Prepare the Cape 1 Skin the cape of the deer using a sharp hunting knife. The cape is considered the portion of skin from the nose of the deer to b ebooks online ehind the shoulders. Make a clean cut up the breast, neck and chin of the deer. Make a second incision behind the shoulder blades, in front of the legs and onto the lower portion of the breast. Beginners should give themselves an extra inch or two past the shoulders as margin for Frankie Muniz Racing error to determine the best cutting method to separate tissue from the hide. The cape should be one complete piece once skinned. 2 Determin .

Measure the appropriate amount of salt needed for the weight of your cape. 6 Pour salt evenly over the fleshy surface of the cape. Use your hands to smooth an even coating of salt to every nook and cranny of the cape, including the outer edges. Salt draws out moisture and is used as a preservative. Parts of the cape that are not salted are likely to rot. 7 Cover the entire cape with a 1-inch-thick layer of salt, incl uding the outer edges. Cover it completely in a dry room and let it sit for 24 hours. 8 Remove the cover from the deer cape and shake all th html website templates e salt off the hide. Dispose of all the salt that has been dumped off the hide and start again on a fresh surface. 9 Repeat steps 2 through 4 of Section 2 two more times. Mount the Head 10 Sand the deer form with fine-grit sandpaper until it's smooth. 11 Carve out lines for a nos Frankie Muniz Racing e, eye sockets and lips using a small drill bit on the deer form. Be sure to also drill out holes for the nostrils and eye sockets that fit .

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