Frankie Muniz Racing

the shins and thighs. Do not try to press the legs together tightly. Simply tape the legs at the shins and thighs, so they stay side-by-sid e. 3 Provide a few minutes for partners to practice. Demonstrate for younger players how to support each other and move their inner legs as one limb. 4 Set a finish line about 10 yards from the starting point. Adjust the distance based on the age and ability of the race participa nts. Tell racers to run to the finish line when you give the start signal. Peg-Leg Pirate Race 5 Ask racers to line up at the start line. Pa science textbook ss out a child's baseball bat or a yardstick to each player. 6 Position the baseball bat along one of the racer's legs. Hold it a few inches off the ground. Wrap duct tape around the leg and bat to secure it to the lower shin, upper shin and thigh. 7 Allow a few minutes for child Frankie Muniz Racing ren to practice running with their pirate peg legs. Remind them to keep the knee on that leg straight to prevent tripping. Pass out pirate h .

the game harder for older children by giving them two peg legs. Require racers to return to the start line if they fall during the race.I S py Bag Create a special I Spy bag for each child. This activity is good for a child by himself or for a group of preschool children. To make a bag, you will need two felt squares of the same size. Cut one so that the center of it is an open square, and sew a clear plastic window in place over the opening. Stitch the two felt squares together on three sides. Fill the pocket between them about half full of clear plasti free template c crystals (available from a craft store) and add a variety of small objects (nothing that will poke through the plastic) such as plastic fr ogs, alphabet letters, plastic animals and colored beads. Stitch the bag closed. Laminate a list of everything that is in the bag and attach Frankie Muniz Racing it to the top with a piece of ribbon. Give one to each child, and let him see what he can find by peeking through the window in the bag. So .

by color, by type (dinosaur, pet, person) or by any other characteristic she wants. Children this age can also sort objects such as buttons and plastic insects. A group of children can compare how many different types of objects each child has or how many different piles each end s up with. The comparison makes it interesting, but avoid letting them get too excited about the objects or this quiet sorting game will bec ome a noisy competition. Quiet Game Playing the Quiet Game teaches kids self-control while letting them have fun and learn cooperative play. cloth texture This game is best played with a group, such as a preschool class. To play, have the children stand in a circle. One child (selected by the teacher for the first game) tosses a foam ball to a classmate, who must catch it and throw it to another classmate. All the children must re Frankie Muniz Racing main in their original places, and no talking or noise is allowed. Anyone who misses the ball, talks or moves from her spot must sit down an .

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