Frankie Muniz Racing

Dig a small hole in an open area that is not obscured by trees. 2 Place the ruler in the coffee can and mark every half inch using the perm anent marker. 3 Place the coffee can in the hole. 4 Check the water level in the coffee can after each rainfall. If you wish to note the eva poration rate, check the water level every 12 hours between rainfalls and note how much water has evaporated.Match the Dance Move If you hav e some knowledge of dance moves past and present, come up with some that you can show the girls. Good examples include the electric slide, t milkshape 3d he macarena and the twist. Write each dance move on two separate index cards, then place all the cards in a big bowl. After you've given dem onstrations of the dance moves to the girls, pass the bowl around and have each player take out an index card.Once they've all read the danc Frankie Muniz Racing e moves written on their cards, turn on some music. When you say "Go," the girls all start dancing with that same dance move. The girls simu .

n some music and tell them to begin dancing to their heart's content. At a random moment, turn the music off. All the players have to stop d ancing and freeze in their places as if they're statues. Survey the room and try to catch any players who move. Eliminate anyone you see mov ing. Then turn the music back on and continue the process. The last player remaining on the dance floor wins the game. Hula Girls Any girl c an appreciate the merits of a hula competition. Start by assembling the girls in an open area. Separate them so they stand several feet away Paleo Diet from each other. Hand each of the girls a Hula Hoop and turn on some music. Tell the girls that they have to try to keep their Hula Hoops a t their hips for as long as possible. Any player who lets her hoop fall past her hips gets disqualified. The last player still Hula-Hooping Frankie Muniz Racing to the music wins.1 Remove the fuselage and wings from the box and place them separately on a flat, dry surface. Although the body of the pl .

d not come with one. 3 Mount the battery behind the engine and connect them together by plugging the battery into the space provided on the motor. Cut a half-inch piece of Velcro with the scissors. Place one side on the inside of the engine compartment where the battery will go, and the other on the underside of the battery. This will hold the battery in place, but allow you to remove it for charging. 4 Prepare the e poxy in a disposable cup. Stir an equal portion of each bottle together with a Popsicle stick until they are blended well. 5 Connect a micro milkshape 3d -servo to the engine with the provided connectors. It should fit right behind the battery. Use a small amount of the epoxy applied with the Popsicle stick to hold it in place. 6 Epoxy one micro-servo to the bottom of each of the wings. They need to connect with the control lines Frankie Muniz Racing that will move the flaps. 7 Connect the last micro-servo to the underside of the tail on the rear of the fuselage. It will control the rudde .

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