Frankie Muniz Racing

et into the adventure of the game. You can set a timer or give the kids all day to hunt for treasure. Allow your children to keep the toys t hey find as their reward. Give the child with the most treasure an additional prize. Shark and Mermaid Game The shark and mermaid game is an outdoor adventure game that involves a pool. One person is the shark and the rest of the kids are mermaids. The shark starts on one end of the pool while the mermaids are on the other side. The mermaids need to swim across the pool while the shark comes close to their path. The fantasy models idea is to get away from the shark and get to the other side. Each time someone is tagged, they sit out and watch. The shark continues on hi s hunt until he captures all the mermaids. This game is a lot like tag but with an adventure theme attached. The last mermaid in the pool is Frankie Muniz Racing the winner. Give him or her a prize for fast swimming. Seashell Hunt Take your kids to the beach and give them each a basket. Start the tim .

This will encourage your kids to find seashells that are not chipped or broken.1 Touch a cold water pipe or other good electrical ground to drain static electricity from your hands. 2 Cut three 4-inch wires and remove ?-inch of insulation from each end. 3 Insert the 14-pin IC soc ket into the perfboard from the non-copper side, so the pins stick through the copper-foil side of the board. Solder pins 7 and 14 to hold t he socket to the board. 4 Place the leads of a 1-megohm resistor through holes near the IC's pins 1 and 3. Place the leads of the second 1-m Reverse Diet egohm resistor near pins 9 and 11. Insert the leads of a .1-microfarad capacitor through holes near the IC's pins 1 and 5. Place the second .1-microfarad capacitor near pins 9 and 13. Solder these connections. Trim the excess leads with the diagonal cutters. Save the lead trimmin Frankie Muniz Racing gs. 5 Connect pins 2 and 3 with a short lead trimming on the bottom of the board, and solder this connection. In the same manner, connect an .

lead of a 470-ohm resistor near the negative lead. Solder and trim this connection. Solder the resistor's other lead to pin 7. 7 Put the pos itive lead of the 100-microfarad capacitor through a hole near pin 12. Solder this connection. Insert the negative lead through any nearby h ole. Put the end of one wire and one lead of the remaining 470-ohm resistor near the negative lead. Solder the connection. Solder the resist or's other lead to pin 7. Trim all excess leads. 8 Place the red wire from the AA battery holder and one end of a wire near pin 14. Solder a fantasy models nd trim the connection. Solder the battery holder's black wire to one lug of the miniature switch. Solder one end of the third wire to the o ther switch lug. Solder the other end of this wire to pin 7. 9 Seat the 74HC04 integrated circuit in the socket. Match the notch in the sock Frankie Muniz Racing et with the dimple or dot on the IC. Make sure its pins go in straight. 10 Locate an area in the project box for 3 mounting holes: one for t .

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