Frankie Muniz Racing

he switch and two for the LEDs. Drill a hole with the ?-inch bit in the side of the project box. Drill two holes with the 5-mm bit. 11 Slip the switch through the ?-inch hole and tighten the mounting hardware. Place the two LEDs in the LED holders and press the LED holders into t he 5mm holes. The LED leads should be pointing into the box. Bend the anode leads of the LEDs so they overlap each other. Crimp the end of t he wire connected to pin 14 to the anodes and solder this connection. 12 Solder the wires coming from the two 100-microfarad capacitors to t Reverse Diet he LED cathode leads, one wire to each cathode. Place an AA battery in the battery holder 13 Seat the perfboard inside the project box and s crew the lid on. Flip the switch. The LEDs should start blinking.In the Picture If anyone has ever told you "you could be in the movies," or Frankie Muniz Racing you've just wanted to star alongside a favorite celebrity or action hero, a couple of clicks through a computer software program can make t .

e movie poster, resizing as necessary to avoid any perspective issues. Advanced graphics users may even manipulate the granularity, lighting and colors in the two pictures to ensure the photo becomes a realistic part of the movie poster. Broccoli Attacks Combine a movie poster wi th a learning lesson by featuring a subject matter usually avoided by tabloids such as "US Weekly" and "Entertainment Weekly." To publicize healthy eating, for example, create a horror-themed poster with a large, imposing stalk of broccoli on a solid black background with fonts s fantasy models uch as Hellraiser Bloody (a free downloadable font that looks like the letters are dripping blood) with a title of "Broccoli Attacks." Inclu de, as part of the "credits," information on what evils broccoli attacks (obesity, increased heart rate) and other facts from reputable heal Frankie Muniz Racing th organizations. Take Two If a favorite movie has ever left you raring with excitement until you walked out of the theater, saw the movie p .

n't land as well. Design a project recreating movie posters where participants get to put their own personal spin on the project, pulling ou t a favorite character and placing him front and center or adding a tag line that should have received more focus. Copy Cats Explore the wor ld of blurred line copyright infringement by assigning a poster comparison project. Students may be surprised to see how many of their favor ite movies' posters have taken "inspiration" from earlier films -- or have been copied themselves. Research poster comparisons online, and p cool font rint out two large copies of each poster. Give students a time, such as five minutes, to note down all of the differences or striking simila rities between the two.1 Disconnect the wire that's connected to the electrical equipment from the power source. Cut the wire at the positio Frankie Muniz Racing n you want to connect the SPDT transfer switch using a knife. 2 Unscrew the screws holding the cover on the SPDT transfer switch. Remove the .

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