Frankie Muniz Racing

them like dumbbells: a one-liter bottle weighs about 3.5 pounds when filled with sand . In the garden, recycle plastic bottles into bird fe eders or scarers by standing them on a stick in the vegetable garden. An eco-friendly way to recycle empty bottles is to fill one or two wit h water then place them in the toilet cistern. The water displacement will save water on every flush. To make a trinket box or purse out of plastic bottles, cut the dimpled bottoms off two bottles then glue or sew a zipper inside with one half of the zipper in each bottle. Newspa free ebooks download urdu pdf pers Use old newspapers to make paper twists or logs to economically start a fire. Recycled newspapers also make excellent clean-up cloths f or any spills, or scrunch up and use to clean windows with a sprinkling of vinegar, for a smear-free finish. Germinate seeds between sheets Frankie Muniz Racing of dampened newspaper or use in the compost bin to balance the carbon/nitrogen mixture. For craft uses, make paper mache using strips of tor .

ring bags. Simply cut off the leg to the depth you'd like the bag, measuring up from the bottom hem, then sew the cut edge closed. Snip hole s at intervals just below the hem that used to be bottom of the jean's leg, then thread cord or ribbon through the holes and knot the ends t ogether. Food and Soda Cans Upcycle used tin cans into penholders or plantpots. Cans can be painted or decorated with string or garden twine wrapped around the outside, or more elaborately with shapes cut out of opened and flattened soda cans. Strong paper punches can sometimes b web fonts e used to punch shapes out of thin aluminum cans, or you can use a heavy-duty machine such as the big-shot. Take advantage of the bright col ors on soda cans to make eye-catching jewelry such as bracelets or pendant necklaces.1 Orient the transistor just inside the perfboard's edg Frankie Muniz Racing e with the transistor's metal back facing away from the board. Set the transistor into the perfboard, letting its pins slip through the hole .

s cathode lead into a nearby hole. Insert one lead of the 18-ohm resistor near the LED's cathode. Insert the resistor's other lead near the transistor's emitter. Solder these connections. 3 Orient the jack on the edge of the perfboard, connector side facing out. Insert the anode lead of the 1N4007 diode near the jack's positive lead and solder the connection. Insert the diode's cathode lead into a nearby hole. Put th e positive lead of the 220-microfarad capacitor near the diode's cathode and solder the connection. Place the capacitor's negative lead near weather icons the LED's cathode and solder. Cut a 2-inch piece of wire and strip a quarter-inch of insulation from each end. Solder one end to the jack's negative pin. Place the other end near the LED's cathode and solder. 4 Place the red wire from the battery holder near the 1N4007's cathode Frankie Muniz Racing . Place the black wire near the transistor's collector. Solder these connections. Trim excess wire and leads on the board's copper side with .

Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing | Frankie Muniz Racing