Frankie Muniz Racing

the diagonal cutters. 5 Put a small dab of heat sink compound on the metal back of the transistor. Slide the heat sink snugly onto the tran sistor. 6 Place two discharged AA-size NiMH batteries in the battery holder. Plug the 9-volt power adapter connector into the jack and plug the adapter into a wall outlet. The batteries will take a few hours to charge.1 Put on rubber gloves. This protects you from getting an acci dental electric shock as the motor needs to be running to test the HP. Check the voltage on the label on the motor and make a note of it. It web fonts says 110 volts if it connects to your domestic electricity supply. 2 Turn on the motor. Set your multimeter to measure amperes. 3 Locate th e positive and negative terminals on the motor. They are labeled "Pos", "Hot or "+" for positive and "Neg", "Neu" or "-" for negative. 4 Pla Frankie Muniz Racing ce the metal sensor on the end of the black wire from the multimeter onto the negative terminal of the motor. Place the metal sensor on the .

ly 110 volts by 33 amperes to equal 3,696 watts. Divide 3,696 watts by 746 watts to equal 4.95 HP.Tiger Tag A fun game of "catch" that also teaches children about the relationship between animals, humans and the natural environment. Divide the children into two teams, trappers an d tigers. Mark off four sections at different corners of the playground: Two areas are forest which are safe for tigers and two areas are vi llages which are safe for trappers. The rest of the playground is chopped-down forest, which is safe for no one. No child can stay in their weather icons safe area for more than a count of five. They then have to run to another area. Tigers can only catch trappers, and trappers can only catch tigers. Pick one child to be "it." Whoever they catch, then becomes it. Tiger Face Painting Six different sub-species of tiger exist, each o Frankie Muniz Racing f which has different physical characteristics. But every tiger is unique when it comes to their markings. Teach children about the differen .

slits. Position the hear on each side of the child's head. Tiger Mask Cut a triangle (approximately a quarter-segment) from the bottom of a paper plate. Cut two small semi-circles from the spare segment and glue on the top of the plate as ears. Cut two small eye holes in the pla te. Cut an oval of orange card about half as long as the plate is wide, and with the plate base up, stick the orange oval into the center of the plate so that part of it over-laps the point where the wedge was cut from. This will be the tiger's muzzle. Draw a black nose in the ce fax cover sheet nter of it. Cut out small triangles of black and orange card and glue them round the edge of the plate (points facing towards the plate's ce nter) as stripe. Make two small holes on opposite sides of the plate, and thread through elastic or string and knot. Use this to tie on the Frankie Muniz Racing mask. True or False Make a list of true and false facts about tigers such as: Tigers live in Indonesia, tigers can Swim, and tigers can't se .

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