Frankie Muniz Racing

with small 10-foot sailboats, use three blocks. Ensure the blocks are level with each other. You can run a string along the tops and measur e with a tape. 6 Stabilize the back of the boat using the boat stands, one on either side. If required, place a boat stand on either side of the middle of the boat as well. Unblock the wheels of the trailer and remove it from underneath the boat. 7 Remove the jacks from the boat and ensure that it is stable and sitting well on the blocks. Cover it with the tarp for full storage.1 Disconnect the power from your filter 4 Day Diet s and aerators to still the water in the aquarium. 2 Open the lid of the marine tank and gently slip the hydrometer into the water with the weighted end down. Slide it in slowly so there is as little movement as possible. 3 Wait for the hydrometer to stop bobbing. Take the hydrom Frankie Muniz Racing eter reading at the water's surface on the stem of the hydrometer. Remove the hydrometer from the tank. Also note the temperature of the mar .

rs when you are finished.Human Knot Direct the kids to stand in a circle shoulder-to-shoulder facing inwards. If you have more than 10 or 12 participants, you may wish to create two smaller circles instead of one large circle. Ask the kids to hold out their hands in front of thei r bodies and join hands with each other. Once every child is holding the hand of two other children, direct the kids to undo the large knot without separating hands.If your participants get too rowdy, tell them to perform the task in "super-slow motion." If the group just can't f Fresh Diet igure out the knot, allow a few kids to change hand position to encourage activity success. Moon Ball Have the kids stand in a circle should er-to-shoulder facing inwards. Drop an inflated beach ball into the circle and direct the children keep the ball in the air for as long as p Frankie Muniz Racing ossible. At first, the kids will probably hit the ball out of the circle and a few kids might jump in front of their peers to get a hand on .

keeping the ball in the air for 90 seconds. Zoom Tell the kids to stand in a circle shoulder-to-shoulder facing inwards. Have each child loo k at the person to his right. Direct one participant to say the word "zoom" to the person on his right, who will then do the same thing for her neighbor. The group's goal is to "pass" the word around circle as quickly as possible. Use a stopwatch to keep track of the group's prog ress. After a few attempts, ask the group what it can do to perform the task faster. For a fun variation, direct the kids to use a more comp Hallelujah Diet licated string of words, such as "wild wobbly weirdos." Monkey See, Monkey Do Direct the kids spread out in a large room and dance to child- appropriate music. Ask them to create their own dances while maintaining a safe distance from each other. Select one child to stand in front Frankie Muniz Racing of the others and perform his custom dance. Direct the rest of the group to imitate the dance for 10 or 15 seconds, and then ask another pa .

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