Frankie Muniz Racing

e a splitting maul head against the opposite vertical flange-face, resting on the rail, with the maul wings facing horizontally, and the bla de pointed at the bottle jack. Weld the maul head into place. 4 Cut the 4-foot section of remaining I-beam into two 2-foot sections. Place t hem parallel to each other, 30 inches apart, flange-face down. Set the jack-maul assembly atop the two sections, perpendicular and centered. Weld the jack-maul assembly to the perpendicular legs. 5 Operate the splitter by placing 18- to 25-inch logs on the rail, ends facing the m 3 Day Diet aul and bottle jack. Holding the log in place and pump the jack until it seizes the log between jack-tip and maul blade. Continue pumping th e jack until the log splits.Lolly Vs the Energy Monkeys Numerous energy efficiency games for kids are free online. The Funergy website has a Frankie Muniz Racing few games that encourage children to become more conscious of saving energy in their homes. Among them is "Lolly vs The Energy Monkeys". In .

ers and closing windows to keep the space monkeys from capturing wasted energy from her home. Eco Kids Energy Efficiency Quiz Eco Kids is an award winning website dedicated to environmental education for children. The site offers a variety of lesson plans for teachers and energy efficient education activities for children. Among the activities is a point-and-click energy efficiency quiz that features a four room home with a garage where children click on objects to learn how to properly use them to conserve energy. Kids can move from room to room clickin volumetrics diet g on objects like thermostats, water faucets, cars, and light fixtures to answer multiple choice questions related to how the objects may sa ve and/or expend energy. Lights Out The object of the game Lights Out is to assist and animated character Charlie in saving energy by turnin Frankie Muniz Racing g off lights and electrical appliances and replacing yellow light bulbs with a CFL bulb. You must move as quickly as possible to stop the an .

rn off appliances.Bucket Toss Balancing on a laid out "beam" of tape or string is easiest if a child is able to keep his limbs in a constant position, such as keeping his arms outstretched. Balancing becomes harder when the child has to adjust his arms or legs because the child's center of gravity changes.Bucket Toss is a game designed to get kids used to shifting their center of gravity. Each child has to come to th e middle of the beam. Then they must turn and toss a bean bag into a bucket or bowl. They cannot step off the beam when they toss. Award poi Weight Loss Cure nts for each bag that goes into the bucket. If the child steps off the beam, she does not get a point, even if the bean bag goes into the bo wl. Play continues until a player hits 10 points or until a specified amount of time has elapsed. Switch or Flop Switch or Flop explores phy Frankie Muniz Racing sical creativity and teamwork. Two children come onto the beam from opposite ends. When they get to the center of the beam, they must find s .

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